Author Topic: NOW I REALLY HATE TAXI DRIVERS  (Read 11230 times)

Offline innercent

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« on: May 14, 2008, 10:11:54 PM »
Damn !!!! it is hard enough to get parts for my B250, I don't need added problem as of this morning ....

Because of of work problem last night, I decide to head into work earlier to sort out the system problem (it is Budget time in office, and we can't afford system down time right now).

I have always been good on road... no lane spliting, no holigan way of riding.... got to my office 8:15am ..... about to turn left into a lane next to my office, so I can ride onto foot path to park my bike .... hangon, there is a taxi dropping of passenger....

Ok, he is not supposed to park there, doesn't matter, I'll wait until he move on.
I wait... not moving, and I can't move.... hangon, he has a reverse light on now.... what does he expect me to do? I can't reverse in bike, and into on coming traffic ?! I beeped him to tell him I'm behind him ( at least 2 metre away!).... and he moved abit..... I beeped again ..... Suddenly, he did a Fast reverse into my bike  annoy.... Not happy !
I can hear all of the pedestian gasped at what the taxi did.

The next thing the taxi driver came out of his car, start yelling at me, saying eh is trying to reverse out... and I yell back at him, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO REVERSE IN THAT DIRECTION !!!!!! ... he start to curse and swear, then jump into his taxi and drove off !!!

 Rant! THAT really peffed me off..... that taxi driver just left Pedestian and me surpsied he ran off without leaving details and anything. The building's security came out and helping out and wondering what happen, and where is the taxi involving in the accident.

Now he left me with a bustered Front fender.... and I'm not even sure if there are any fork damage or wheel damage.... and because I'm on 3rd party insurance, I have to sort out this problem myself :(

And Just made a police report .... and the police (being good for the 1st time!), going to call up that taxi company and demand to know why that driver drive off.... and ask the company to settle this, or else they will be make a charges.

I normally don't really complain much, not that I like Taxi either... but this incident really make me even hate them more..... (Almost got ran over by taxi more than I can count..... all of them trying to do short cuts and not looking )....

*sigh*.. now I have to find parts to replace things ... AGAIN ....
1990 GSF250 - Stock items with lots of parts need to cleaned and changed

Offline Sven

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« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 09:17:46 PM »
Some days, you should stay in bed and pull the covers over your head.  Thanks for sharing your story...hope you get your share of justice. Let us know....
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Offline B6mick

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« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2008, 03:21:59 AM »
Carefull there Tonto, both me and the Misister of War are ex cabbies.
Cabbies that worked our butts off, and put up more shyte than one should have too.
On the same token, the reasons we both got out of the game, is the total lack,( at the time) of logical enforcement, by the taxi governing body, The VTD. Victorian Taxi directorate.
Now, if ya realy want to get even with this fella, Now that the VTD has teeth to its powers, you should head down to the VTD in Nth Melb, and file a complaint with them.
Not only can you legally get whats coming to you, getting you bike fixed, but also having this driver removed from the taxi industry forever, should you insist that his DC (Driver Certificate) be revocked for his actions.(or lack of). Now another little hint in finding this bloke, as cab companies, tend to stuff you around, when it comes to naming the actual driver. Every time a driver change takes place, he must swipe a card, (like a bank card with a magnetic strip) through the taxi meter. This enables the ATO to keep tabs of who earns what. It can also be used to nominate who was driving when, for the purpose of speed camera fines. Don't be bullshyted around at the VTD, know your rights, and be fully armed with info like this. It will force them to take action and follow though with the full powers of their office, when it comes to cabbies they have more powers than cops.

Please don't get down on cabbies, they work long shyteful hrs, put up with lowlifes all day long, and get shafted by, cab and plate owners. You never know when a friendly cabbie is the only thing between you and a really shytie day.

Not all of us cabbies are shyteheads.
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Offline innercent

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« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2008, 09:29:01 AM »
 :banghead: ----------------- Incident Update -------------------

As I have mentioned, since my Bandit is only 1991 B250, grey import, so it is not worth that much, so I have only 3rd party insurance..... For this incident, looks like I can only try to claim the damage from other party myself.

Lucky enough, the police actually called up the Cab company and chased down the Taxi driver (who is the actual owner of the Cab). The excuse he gave the police is:

" He is very apologetic about the incident, but he thought ther eis no damage, so he didn't leave any details at all. he is willing to pay for all of the damage, provided that two qoutes are provided" .... He left his mobile number with the police, so I tried to call that number, it is switched off. Tried left the number and a SMS message, no reply. Took me whol day, finally after 5pm, got through and ask for his address so I know where to send the qoute to.

When called, he still cursing and swearing that there is no damage, and says "I only hit the tire, there is no damage. But b/c I have no proof, so I have no choice but to pay"

Point 1 - "No Damage" ?!?!?! he Didn't even bother to ask me anything except yelling at me he is trying to reverse.... he didn't look at the other side of my front Mudguard, have a big chunk came off, and he has the gut to say that.
He didn't even ask me anything about whether I am ok, he just looked at my bike and walked away!!!!! :rant2:

And now trying to call up a few places to get qoute ..... apparently, even though it is only mud guard is broken, I have book a time with the bikeshop, leave my bike at the bikeshop, and pay $60 for a qoute if I am not going to get the bike fixed at the shop.... WTF !

This is getting really painful...... I am definately going to make that driver pay.... I wouldn't be this pissed off until his bad attitude. If he had apologised at the scene that he accidentally accelerated too much, I wouldn't be this mad. But his continue denial, which really gets to me. Will be obtaining a police report from the police station I lodged the incident, and a incident report from the security at my office building, I'm going to go to VTD like B6mick said, ensure I complain to them about it and expect some sort of action from them (well, at least make sure they enforce his guy pay for all costs, including the qoutation costs).

Will try update you guys when I finally get some more details. Going to call up two bike shop down in the CBD in Melbourne and ask them to qoute the price.....

1990 GSF250 - Stock items with lots of parts need to cleaned and changed

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 06:30:35 AM »
(who is the actual owner of the Cab).

Most interesting, Now you need to clarify a couple of things here, with the VTD.

Being a cab owner is one thing but being a plate owner is another.
Being a cab owner he/she can lease the plate.
Being a cab driver one can lease the car and plate.
Now should he be a cab owner only, and not the plate owner, the VTD could and maybe should approach the plate owner, about their lease, to an unsuitable driver.
Both in manner and actions.
If this driver owner should be a cab and plate owner, it should be suggested to the VTD, that in this day and age, were cabbies are so under the spot light, action be taken against his drivers certificate, and his ownership of a plate.  I do seem to remember the state government, was to get tough on rouge cabbies/owners/drivers, in a effort to clean up the industry....
Go to it tonto, good luck and most of all, smile and have a bit of fun at his expence.
Even if none of the above happens to him, he sure a shyte will be sick and tried, of the VTD reiming his butthole, and going though him like a whole box of laxsettes......
One thing that can be said for the VTD, when and when they finally get a bee in thier bonnet about a driver, they are like a bully with a posties leg in thier jaws.
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« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2008, 09:06:44 AM »
what have bullterriers ever done to deserve comparison to a government department???

Offline B6mick

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« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2008, 10:44:54 AM »
what have bullterriers ever done to deserve comparison to a government department???

Having beem the owner of 2 of the greatest Bullies, Ive ever known, the honest answer would be, hmmmmm. Just sometime they can be really really dumb ( in the most loveable way). That goes for government Depts most of the time though. :duh:( but with no love)
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2008, 07:38:11 AM »
what have bullterriers ever done to deserve comparison to a government department???

I don't know about bull terriers, but I remember a previous Vic Premier once said "The difference between Child Welfare Authorities and a Pit Bull, is that the Pit Bull will eventually give your child back"

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