The rest of the bike is very good, the motor is very willing, the 6 spot brakes are over the top, I have noted that kawasaki has even put smaller rotors on the newer models to tame the suckers down a bit. the handling is not to bad for a lump of its size, its hard work to get it quick and smooth on a road like the reefton spur but on roads like gods rd and the black spur it holds its own very well. I bought as a wreck and had never ridden one before, and even if I had test ridden one, most shops don't let you take it out for a quick interstate run, or am I going to the wrong shops. Then there is the price I paid, 2 g's and another 2 g's on the road. But I still reckon the B6 is more fun, even if it don't mono as easy as the REX. But one HUGE + for the REX is the noise, it really does sound like nothing else. Hope your EPA boys airnt around next weekend.