Author Topic: Bears at the Gap  (Read 11696 times)

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Bears at the Gap
« on: May 10, 2006, 09:48:37 AM »
Highway Patrol conducting Operation Dragon
Graham Sentinel Newspaper – May 3, 2006
Graham County , North Carolina

The North Carolina Highway Patrol will conduct "Operation Dragon 2006" in an attempt to reduce speed related collisions on Western North Carolina involving motorcycles. Speed remains the leading cause of traffic collisions and fatalities in the state and motorcycle colli­sions in the five most Western North Carolina counties have increased 56 percent from 2004. Locations in this area of North Carolina and in bor­dering Tennessee have become some of the leading motorcycle, destinations in America . "Operation Dragon 2006" is a joint initiative with North Carolina and Tennessee Highway Patrol that addresses these concerns.

The campaign will be conducted on Saturday, 13 May 2006 . During this period, Troopers from both states will create a _ highly visible presence aimed at targeting speeding, along with all other state violations and regula­tions.

Troopers will be assigned to work Deals Gap (US-129) and the Cherohala Skyway area (NC-143) where we have experienced numerous prob­lems with the reckless operation of high performance motorcycles. Troopers have been instructed to aggressive­ly enforce the speed limit laws in addition to other violations such as tailgating, improper lane changes, and other traffic law violations to ensure the safety of motorists on our highways and to reduce colli­sions.

The Highway Patrol will utilize special marked, unmarked vehicles, motorcycles and aircraft to combat speeding in these areas.

Speed Kills and Seatbelts , Save Lives!
00 Red Bandit 1200S (Gone But Not Forgotten)
96 Red Harley Springer
04 Sportster
11 BMW R1200RT
scooters - in - the - wind

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