Anyone mounted up a set of HOT HANDS? I mounted up a set today and couldn't find a suitable switched electrical source. I did not want to mess with the wiring harness or tap a existing hot wire.
I have a set of Hot Grips (on a 1G 1200) running off the horn circuit. No kidding. I tapped into the hot (switched) line for the horn, then ran a wire back to ground at the battery (actually, I have a big ground bus at the front of the bike, but same thing, really). No troubles.
If you don't want to tap an existing hot wire, how, exactly, do you plan on getting power to your Hot Hands? If your new wiring is entirely independant of the bike's wiring, then you will need to be very sure to shut everything off when you park. I suppose you might be able to make some sort of jumper that would fit between existing terminals on a switched line...
B12NScott has the best possible idea: use an existing switched line (like the horn) to throw a relay, then use that relay to close a dedicated circuit that runs back to the battery. I didn't do that because the Hot Grips only draw 35 watts; I figured the stock wiring would be enough for that much current. I use independant wiring and relays for my headlight, dirving lights, and electric clothes, which all draw between 50 and 100 W.
Note when I say "tapped" I mean "stripped, crimped, and soldered in a connection." I don't use wire taps. All connections are wrapped in either heat-shrink tubing or self-vulcanizing tape.