Author Topic: Backrest  (Read 3157 times)

Offline 03banditrdr

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« on: April 26, 2007, 05:09:07 PM »
I need to find one for the B12. I see holeshot makes a simple cost effective one but it looks cheesy anyone got one and how do you like it?

I know Corbin makes one with their seat but frankly the cost is too high for my blood.

anyone else make one or has anyone here made your own??

Offline rkfire

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« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 06:11:50 PM »
I was going through the same dilema, but finally wound up with a used corbin with the backrest.

I saw a bandit with the holeshot setup, and it looked a lot better in person than the picture of it. At least to me, it looked huge and tractor like in the picture, but in person it's smaller and more tidy. Plus, you have the option of removing it, and putting it on when needed.

The third option I was considering was mounting a small trunk on a luggage rack. I was looking at scooter trunks, just for the smaller size. Many of them have a back cushion attached.

I've searched and found no other solutions. I even bought another stock seat (cheap), and was thinking of mounting an old school strap between the rider and passenger areas.

I have the 2nd gen bandit, and I still can't figure out why they changed the handles from one on each side to the useless grab bar behind the seat.

Offline Red01

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« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2007, 03:59:55 PM »
Quote from: "rkfire"
I have the 2nd gen bandit, and I still can't figure out why they changed the handles from one on each side to the useless grab bar behind the seat.

IMHO, it for one reason - Looks. The 2G's bar looks like a little spoiler/wing back there instead of something functional, like the 1G's grab bars.

On the 2G, since the bar is not comfortable to use, your passenges just have to hold on to you. Actually, this is a plus for guys who own Bandits and their only passengers are women.
 :bandit:  :bouncy:
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