Author Topic: NC BBQ Restaurants /Copied from old board  (Read 3702 times)

Offline PeteSC

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NC BBQ Restaurants /Copied from old board
« on: March 14, 2005, 11:09:53 PM »
NC BBQ Restaurants
I stumbled on this seems the rest of the site isn't working right take a peek, before this vanishes, also!

Edited by: PeteSC at: 1/14/03 1:46:28 pm

Registered User
Posts: 19
(8/11/03 5:18 pm)
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My current fave is on the list: Bridges BBQ Lodge in Shelby..yummmmm

Posts: 3305
(8/11/03 5:50 pm)
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Re: NC BBQ Restaurants
ain't the 'net wonderful? Nice to be able to find IMPORTANT information!

Registered User
Posts: 3
(8/20/03 12:25 am)
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I have the best of both worlds! I own a Bandit and a BBQ restaurant!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO !!


Posts: 3397
(9/8/03 8:53 am)
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Re: NC BBQ Restaurants/Saluda
IS there a website for your Restaurant ?
(thought I'd seen one....)

MAybe we can work out a trip to your joint for lunch....or dinner.
Preferably......while you're we can do burnouts in the parking lot.....stiff the wait the 'need a penny' dish.....put some golf balls in the pickled egg jar, etc.

By the time your employees see what kind of 'middle aged' riff raff you've been hanging out with, you'll be ready to trade your Bandit in on a Burgman 650!

I'm trying to think of a loop that would take us through Saluda....or close.
A trip down 276 to Caesars Head, then across to Saluda may work....
What hours are you open?
'slow, and spurious!'

Registered User
Posts: 26
(9/14/03 8:39 am)
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Yeah Pete, we have a Hours are: Tuesday - Saturday 11am to 8pm and Sundays from Noon until 3pm. We are closed on Mondays. During the summer we stay open until 9 on Friday and Saturday nights. You'd have to go a bit to make my employees think that I'm hanging out with any worse "riff raff" than I am now! And as for harassing and shorting them.....they work for me....they are used to it.
Come on by, I'll ride almost anytime.

Big KT

Oh, its a great ride through the Greenville Watershed to Saluda .... unless they have just put tar and gravel down.

Edited by: bigkt at: 9/14/03 1:08 pm

Hall Monitor
Posts: 2654
(9/15/03 3:40 am)
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Re: NC BBQ Restaurants/Saluda
Oh man... I just checked out your site. It's still 2 hours till lunch - and you're 3000 miles away... AND it's MONDAY!
Paul W
WWBOC #684
Camano Is. WA, USA
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
I'm really a very hot, sexy,lesbian, trapped in this fat, middle-aged, male body......