The ride report.
Well myself and the little lady, left Melbourne at around 9:30, friday morning, she in doors and I will agree to disagree for some time
Anyway the weather was
perfect, both bikes behaved themselves, and we had a pretty none eventfull ride to the border, then it had to happen the locusts plague we southerners have been reading about, climbed out the wood work and gave it to us, so for the last 130 ks we copped it ouch them buggers hurt, hmm and dont they smell nice sizzling away on the exhaust. Anyway a great weekend put on by the guys and girls at the redback tourers
. Many new friends made and a damm good time had by all, including paki, who must have won the drunk of the rally award and if there is not one maybe next year there should be
. And also a big thank you
to Aussie bandit for leading us to, Gods road ( Local thing ) Magic magic magic, hmm that new hoop on the back is scrubbed in real good now cheers bloke that was a blast. We packed this morning and hit the road at 9:05 yes we do agree on this and walked thru the door back at home at 2.55, No locusts no hassles No problems weather for the whole weekend perfect. Thanks Mick all them kids you made sacrifice to the weather gods worked a treat.