Author Topic: Bandit fails to start help please  (Read 7587 times)

Offline Kent Bandit

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Bandit fails to start help please
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2006, 10:33:56 AM »
Hi Red01,
              I knew that of course, just testing! Not having a good day that's my excuse. :duh:
Correction - Icychaos thanks for the offer I'll let you know.

Have Fun,

Offline IcyChaos

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Bandit fails to start help please
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2006, 02:09:48 PM »
have you tried bump starting it with a friend?? No its probably not good for the engine if you do it alot, but it will help you figure out if its will start. If it does start, ride it for 30 minutes, and then park it where you want it, turn it off, sand try to restart. This will help to see if its charging itself.

Also you should try to touch the wire from the relay to the battery. Make sure its in neutral, and the bike is on. It should start. That bypasses the Relay. If it doesn't start its either the battery,a fuse, or starter motor (I believe).
I could fish the relay out near the left side plastics, without taking off the plastics.  But if you do have to remove the plastics on the rear it really is simple. I have done it a few times already to figure out my starting issue. BTW there is a 30AMP fuse in the relay you should check.

Offline Kent Bandit

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Bandit fails to start help please
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2006, 09:27:00 AM »
Hi Icychaos,
                   Thanks for the further info - If I can get hold of someone this weekend I'll try bumping it - I hope I don't drop the dam thing they are pretty heavy to pick up once they are down! :rant2: and I didn't know about the 30 amp fuse in the relay either - we will see what the weekend brings.

Have a good weekend,