Author Topic: Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?  (Read 9427 times)

Offline Red01

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #15 on: April 24, 2006, 10:40:18 AM »
I think 50 mpg(US) out of a B12 will be difficult - even if you're really, really easy with the throttle. . .
. . . and that's not usually why people select the 1200 version of the Bandit. :wink:

If you want 50 or better, stick with a smaller engine. The 600 Bandit has been known to get 50. My old '71 Yamaha XS650 would get 55 mpg at 55 mph - when I could manage to stay that slow for a whole tank of gas. My first bike, a '66 Suzuki 80, got 110 mpg, but would barely break 45 mph wrapped out pisstight.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Have Blue

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2006, 12:38:27 PM »
I know what you're saying.  I didnt get the 12S to wobble along at 15 mph with.  :-)  I just (few minutes ago) got back from DMV and the Ins co. getting the title transferred, tags, etc and my insurance transferred.  I've only put about 9 miles on the bike so far, so I'm hardly in a position to know exactly what the gas milage is.  :-)   My 83 GS1100 suzuki averaged about 43-45 mpg and to improve that to 48-50 mpg, all I had to do was drop two teeth on the rear sprocket.  That was barely noticable on the old GS relative to getting going from a stop.  I already checked (just for the hell of it) how the 12S handled a 2nd gear start and it couldnt care less.  :-)  :-)  I doubt dropping two teeth will hurt anythine except the acceleration between 1 mph and maybe 10.  hehehe  I got the Bandit (in order of preferences) because of ergonomics, brakes, handling and power.
It really is a winner.  After riding the top heavy and heavy GS1100, the bandit feels like a 600  ehehehehe  Its sooooooo light!  Its great, I can pull up in front of my house, stop, open the mailbox, put the mail in the tank bag, close the mailbox and ride away,............without putting my feet down.  LOL


Quote from: "Red01"
I think 50 mpg(US) out of a B12 will be difficult - even if you're really, really easy with the throttle. . .
. . . and that's not usually why people select the 1200 version of the Bandit. :wink:

If you want 50 or better, stick with a smaller engine. The 600 Bandit has been known to get 50. My old '71 Yamaha XS650 would get 55 mpg at 55 mph - when I could manage to stay that slow for a whole tank of gas. My first bike, a '66 Suzuki 80, got 110 mpg, but would barely break 45 mph wrapped out pisstight.
03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline Have Blue

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2006, 10:31:25 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
I think 50 mpg(US) out of a B12 will be difficult - even if you're really, really easy with the throttle. . .
. . . and that's not usually why people select the 1200 version of the Bandit. :wink:

I did my first milage check on the 12 today and a tankful at mostly 65-75 mph, I'm getting 41 mpg.  Not bad.  I bet with minor tuning and adjustment, I can get it up to a solid 45 mpg for that speed range.  I'm going to change the dino oil in it to 15w50 Mobil 1 tomorrow.  That ought to be good for 1 mpg.  LOL  I've only had the bike a few days and I certainly could be wrong, but I'm inclined to believe with a little creativity I can be chasing 50 mpg pretty hard without changing my riding habits.  It'll be fun to find out anyhow.  heh

Why people buy Bandits?  I dont know exactly.  I did notice once that my front wheel was blocking my forward view though.  LOL

03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline Maximus

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45+ MPG
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2006, 12:31:06 AM »

I've got a 2005 1200S with 4000 miles on it.  I bought it three weeks ago with 3000 miles and running with dino oil.  Fuel economy on the road was abysmal, maybe 38 mpg.  After an additional 1000 miles (some of which were, ah, hard miles) and a switch to 10w40 Castrol Syntec (a full synthetic) I'm getting 190 miles per tank before a refill - I have YET to hit the reserve.  Mind you, this is at cruising speeds on secondary highways in the Piedmont region of North Carolina - moderate curves, minimal stops, undulating hills.  I weigh 200 lbs.  The chain is properly lubed and the tires are inflated to spec.  I also added a throttle rocker which helps me keep a steady hand during long rides.

Of course, if I was worried about fuel economy, I'd buy a moped!

Offline chupacabra

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2006, 05:31:30 AM »
Maximus you'd be better off useing something thats not labeled "energy conserving" , as I believe Castrol Syntec is. Heard its bad for the clutch. Just something I've read on BanditAlleyBBS. I did run it for a bit myself with no ill affects.
Dave . . . San Diego, California
1996 GSF600S Marble Italian Red
I bought new in sept of 95
D.I.D. 530ZVM gold x-ring chain
Pirelli Diablo 120/60F & Strada 160/60R
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Offline jbrough7

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2006, 06:32:37 PM »
It used to cost me $7 to fill up my old Suzi Savage single and I was moaning I now have to pay $20 to fill up the new bandit.  But then I thought about it:  the price jump in gas plus the tank is more than twice as big plus I get just about twice the miles out of the bandit!  All told, the four cylinder bandit with a gazillion carbs is getting pretty much the same mileage as my old thumper was!  Pretty damn good.


Offline Have Blue

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Re: 45+ MPG
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2006, 07:46:17 PM »
I'm not worried about fuel economy, not really.  I was just interested in what kind of milage I was getting.  If it had been 35 mpg when I was just out cruising around, I would know the bike is out of tune and there is room for improvement.  If it was over 50 mpg, I would be concerned about it being set up too lean and needng tuning.  I have Mobil 1 15w50 in it and the bike has 2k miles on it.  I've run a few more tanks through it now and milage seems to be settling down to around 47 mpg with steady cruise speeds.  I figure thats just about where it should be with everything adjusted correctly.   I weigh 165 and my helmet and the tops of my shoulders are about all the protrude above the windscreen, so I'm a low drag size.  LOL  I'm real happy with the gas milage.  Actually, I'm really pleased about everything on the bandit except for one item and even the stock seat fits me well.  The headlights though aaarrrgghhhhhhh!!!
I have to say, HANDS DOWN, the B12S has the worst headlights of any bike I have ridden.  :-)  Yeeech!
I already  ordered replacements after reading red01's commentary about fixing his.  The stock lighting is so bad (in my opinion) that I dont plan on riding the bike after dark again until I get the lighting upgraded.


Quote from: "Maximus"

I've got a 2005 1200S with 4000 miles on it.  I bought it three weeks ago with 3000 miles and running with dino oil.  Fuel economy on the road was abysmal, maybe 38 mpg.  After an additional 1000 miles (some of which were, ah, hard miles) and a switch to 10w40 Castrol Syntec (a full synthetic) I'm getting 190 miles per tank before a refill - I have YET to hit the reserve.  Mind you, this is at cruising speeds on secondary highways in the Piedmont region of North Carolina - moderate curves, minimal stops, undulating hills.  I weigh 200 lbs.  The chain is properly lubed and the tires are inflated to spec.  I also added a throttle rocker which helps me keep a steady hand during long rides.

Of course, if I was worried about fuel economy, I'd buy a moped!
03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline jbrough7

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2006, 09:35:51 PM »
I don't have a lot of experience with night riding but just spent 1.5 hours in the dark and i really was in the dark.  i have a 2006 g3 650 so maybe our setups are the same?  I don't plan on doing to much at night but gotta look into those lights as well.


Offline Have Blue

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2006, 10:07:11 PM »
If you have the same lighting I do on my 03 B12S,  we're both in the dark.  :-).   Its not even enjoyable to ride at night having that poor a quality of lighting.  Check out this thread


Quote from: "jbrough7"
I don't have a lot of experience with night riding but just spent 1.5 hours in the dark and i really was in the dark.  i have a 2006 g3 650 so maybe our setups are the same?  I don't plan on doing to much at night but gotta look into those lights as well.

03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline Maximus

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The Syntec is not
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2006, 11:04:09 PM »
labeled "Energy Conserving" and the lower half of the circle on the lable is clear, at least on the East Coast.  They may formulate the oil differently for West Coast sales.

Take care,


Offline jbrough7

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2006, 07:17:23 AM »
Did I see $115 per pair??  Man!  That's a lot of beer and pizza!


Offline Have Blue

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #26 on: May 02, 2006, 09:31:05 AM »
NO, the lights were $30 each plus $5 shipping for the pair.


Quote from: "jbrough7"
Did I see $115 per pair??  Man!  That's a lot of beer and pizza!

03 B12 S
79 XS400

Offline ATC'er

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #27 on: May 02, 2006, 10:40:34 AM »
I have an '05 Bandit 1200S.  When it was stock, I was averaging 40 mpg.  I've since rejetted it and installed a Yosh slip on.  Now I average 32 mpg.  I'm guessing that not having a 6th gear doesn't help with mileage.
2005 Bandit 1200S

Offline Red01

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2006, 02:06:05 PM »
The B12's 5th is actually taller than the B6's 6th - and the sprocket gearing is taller on the 12. As far as getting 32 after your rejet, that sucks! I have to try HARD to get worse than 38 with mine. I think 36 is the absolute worst I've ever gotten with my Holeshot Stage II & slip-on.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Have Blue

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Does Gas Mileage REALLY Suck On A New Machine?
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2006, 10:03:41 PM »
I had a chance to run a few more tanks of gas through the newly acquired 03 B12S and have my gas milage more or less sorted.  55-60 mph =50 mpg, 60-65 mph= 47 mpg, 65-70 mph= 45 mpg, 70-75 mph= 43 mpg and 80 mph 41 mpg.  100 mph should be about 33 mpg.  LOL

03 B12 S
79 XS400