loads of good tips in the above comments.
the most comfortable person with the speed is the rider out front,thats why he's there.don't be tempted to keep up with others unless you are skilled enough to do so,if they can corner faster ,so be it.
you will learn by watching riders in front--lines they take,breaking.
understand vanishing point,entry apex and exit using themwith technical skills like counter steering braking.
look ahead to vanishing point,the place where the two curbs or road edges appear to meet.if vanishing point iscoming towards you the corner is getting tighter.the speed at which vanishing point comes towards you will determine how much you need to slow down.as the vanishing point comes closer.slow stay wide of the apex,until VP starts moving away,at this point you can see the exit.accelerate and chase the VP out of the corner,by leaning into the corner more and cut close to the corners apex.
good cornering is go in slow,exit at speed,and spend as much time in the corner with the power on,your eyes be looking as far ahead as your vision allows.
ENTRY----in slow out fast.
APEX---the point where you cut closest to the corner or centreline.beginning to now accelerate towards
EXIT--now accelerating--changing up--chasing vanishing point--positioning bike for next corner
COUNTER STEERING--applying pressure to handlebars with the palms of your hands..palm piloting...turning left then push the left side of handlebars forward by dropping your lleft shoulder with bent or not straight arms,opposite for right handed corner
bandits ,because of there mass need to be pushed around a bit by rider with counter steering
BRAKING....balanced breaking..both brakes with equal force..as the bike slows the weight transfeers forward,front forks start to compress.at this stage most braking can be transfered to the front,as bike slows the forks rise transfer braking to rear brake
being inexperienced my mates who are experienced tell me braking is BAD, so i try my utmost to keep of the brakes and bang it down through the gears which meantgetting your head right ,but it works for me now
EYES...should be constantly scanningroad ahead.if you see a problem,don't fixate on the problem,otherwise you willride straight intoit.look for solution or a gap....
all seems pretty basic really,i have a book in my pack which i read occasionally with the above in it but sometimes even though we know it we have to remind our selves what we know.
slo coach