Author Topic: Is it possible to NOT re-sync?  (Read 2629 times)

Offline sirdarkheart

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Is it possible to NOT re-sync?
« on: June 20, 2006, 10:37:56 PM »
    So, I am about to get more brave and investigate what size main jet I have in my bandit 400 carbs. I'm pretty sure it has a jet kit b/c the needles are aftermarket. However, I am a total amateur when it comes to carb related stuff ( I was spoiled by Fuel injected bikes). I searched in detail on this forum for my question and couldn't find an answer so here it goes:
1) Is it possible to take apart the carbs just enough to inspect the main jet, take it out, and put it back in without having to do a carburetor synchronization?
2) Should I take the entire carbs off the rack to do this, or should I attempt to use my short screwdriver to remove the bottom of the carbs, and use a dental mirror to visualize the rest?

Any help and I mean ANY help would be great. If there is an old thread I missed please direct me to it so you won't have to repeat yourselves.
Thank you,

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Is it possible to NOT re-sync?
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2006, 11:20:55 PM »
Don't seperate the carbs from the rack- leave them all connected together. Remove them from the bike but leave them connected together.

They are easy to remove as a set off the bike. This is the best way to open the bowls to check/replace mains. Pull all the throttle cable slack down to the carbs, this will give you enough room to unbolt the carbs and pull them out to one side of the bike to disconnect the throttle cables. Needle nose pliers work well here. Mark the cables-one is push and one is pull- for reassembly

Be careful with the carbs, don't knock them around and you can probably get by without a sync. Be carefull with the bowl screws as they are soft and strip easily. They can be replaced with allen head screws to fix this problem.

Good Luck, Ed.
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Offline sirdarkheart

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Is it possible to NOT re-sync?
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2006, 01:54:45 AM »
   Thx a lot for the info and the other tips as well. This puts my mind at ease a lot more that I can inspect/change the mains w/o doing a carb synch.
D  :thanks:  :grin:

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Is it possible to NOT re-sync?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2006, 09:54:42 PM »
if you put your carbs back on and they idle and rev up smoothly and come right back to a idle guess you dont need a carb sync cheers
1988 gsxr 400 sp (sprint bike)
*  SELLER OF THE 442CC BIG BORE PISTON KIT FOR THE BANDIT 400,GSXR400, GK73 and 76.* And carb kits(orings)too. Email me from here.
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Offline sirdarkheart

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Is it possible to NOT re-sync?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2006, 12:04:16 AM »
    I will probably resync anyways when I get the carbs back. I just got a carb synch tool for a very nice mechanic.  :lol: