Author Topic: Puff of smoke on high revs  (Read 9269 times)

Offline gearset01

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« on: March 27, 2006, 07:39:25 PM »
I have a 05 1200s that up until today was no problem. After riding approx 100 miles up and down the speed curve I got home I smelled smoke and while I stood beside the bike and revved the engine up to about 8-9000 rpms and im seeing a large Puff of smoke complete with smoke ring. No smoke at idle. 4900 miles on the bike fresh oil and filter about 200 miles ago. The oil level is between the lines. Fresh gas with gas treatment in it.
Any suggestions, its still under warranty.

Offline Red01

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2006, 08:46:03 PM »
Does this puff appear when you chop the throttle abruptly from high rpm?

If so, you're probably just sucking a little oil down the valve stem guides and just a puff would be fairly normal. This is because with the throttle closed and the engine at high rpm, it's trying to suck more air in than the throttle will allow, so it's going to start sucking it from any other source it can and since there's oil all around the valve stems, when it sucks air in from the valve cover area, it is gonna get some atomized oil with it.

Monitor your oil level & consumption between now and your next oil change.

Suzuki is probably going to tell you as long as it's less than a quart every 600 miles, it's not a warranty problem and is in their acceptable range. If you're burning that much oil, you'll see more smoke, more often, than what you just mentioned!

General rule of thumb is if you see blue smoke on acceleration or under a load, it's a piston/ring issue. If during deceleration, it's loosing oil thru the valve guides.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline Bob Holland

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2006, 08:54:20 PM »
I have never had a smoking problem get better, always worst. So ride it hard and hope that it breaks before the warranty is gone.
If the vent from the valve cover gets plug or the hose crimped, it will make the engine smoke.
If I didn't have a Suzuki, I would have a Kawasaki

Offline gearset01

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« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2006, 10:28:50 PM »
I left the bike cool down and started it up and attempted the same revving and it no longer smoked, it had been idling about 10 minutes after the run prior to me noticing the PUFF of smoke originally. Yes when I revved it up I was allowing the throttle to snap back quick like. Could it have loaded up. Does the valve clearances have anything to do with the situation. I will check the valve cover breather line tomorrow. Thanks for the help.

Offline terrebandit

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2006, 10:50:11 PM »
FWIW... both my bandits (1G and 2G B12's) have puffed a small amount of smoke (white or brown) on hard acceleration.  I think its normal and nothing to worry about.

My Bandit(s) -click here  >={{{*>
2000 B12S "Good Ole Bob"
____ o7o____o7o ___Ride Safe!

Offline scooter69

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Re: smoke
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 12:47:39 PM »
Quote from: "gearset01"
I left the bike cool down and started it up and attempted the same revving and it no longer smoked, it had been idling about 10 minutes after the run prior to me noticing the PUFF of smoke originally. Yes when I revved it up I was allowing the throttle to snap back quick like. Could it have loaded up. Does the valve clearances have anything to do with the situation. I will check the valve cover breather line tomorrow. Thanks for the help.

Remeber that a Bandit is air-cooled.  By letting it Idle for 10 min it certainly was heating up a lot. Generally you don't let your bike Idle for more than 5 the most. Atleast I don't.

Offline rider123

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2006, 01:26:19 PM »
I agree if you let the bike idle for a bit eventually it will heat up and cause a slightly richer condition than when moving down the road with airflow. Less airflow with more gas = slightly rich. For example myself I shimmed my needles only 1 .5(.020) mm shim and I had to compensate with the pilots. If I let the bike at full hot idle at say a long stoplight for 2 minutes or so if I give it a bit of gas some blackish smoke comes out. THis is beause I'm not moving and have lots of gas going into the cylinders with very little airflow as I'm compensating for a lean needle position. When I shim the needle up another .5 mm (.020) I can turn down the pilots where they should be normally and idleing at stoplights and what not won't be as big of an issue as I'll have more gas when I'm on throttle by the needle instead of the pilots. Should give me better gas milage as well on low throttle cruise as well. Unless your pouring out WHITE smoke(oil) I wouldn't worry about it too much. You may want to fine tune it a tad.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.

Offline rider123

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2006, 07:58:01 PM »
Just to agree on what Red01 said and some research. Lots of revs(vacuum) and no where to pull it from will suck anywhere it can(no pun intended  :grin: ) that means crankacase breather tubes, hence why we put a mini filter on stage 2 breather tubes, carb boots, anywhere it can and that includes by the oil rings and seals. Nothing to worry about this is a big motor and it has some balls so it's going to do everything "big". (Damn puns! You guys are doing this on purpose!)

I should also add, now thinking about it, that what you should be concerned with is white smoke(oil) pouring out ON throttle. That indicates the oil rings aren't doing their job. As you put on the gas the combustion chamber increases pressure which pushes on the rings to seal the cylinder more tightly. Logic dictates that as you release the pressure on the rings(low throttle) the rings will loosen their grip on the sides of the cylinder but the revs are up so there is a vacuum and fast piston action to bleed some oil into the combustion chambers. You should be more concerned about the colour of smoke when ON the throttle than off. Though off does count for some.
2005 Bandit 1200, Modified Holeshot Stage 1 with 17.5 pilots 2.75 turns out, and 110 mains 5 shims. Muzzy Slip on w/mid-pipe, stock filter. 1.5" hole in the airbox lid.

Offline Bob Holland

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Puff of smoke on high revs
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2006, 09:26:33 PM »
About 5 years, I ran a GSXR dragbike, 1216 kit, wheelie bars, it ran 9.6s, 135 mph. For one whole season, every saturday night, someone would come up to me in the pits and say do you know your bike is smoking going down thw track I would always say, I'm going to fix it this winter or when it blows up. It smoked the whole season and never lost power. I guess what I am saying is that a little smoke want hurt, it just makes you mad when someone else sees it.
If I didn't have a Suzuki, I would have a Kawasaki