The plugs were NGK, $9 apiece at a local Suzuki dealership.
The replacement for the one I broke was $8.50 at a NAPA parts store.
By the way, I sort of live out in the sticks, so that probably has something to do with these prices.
Lesson learned: buy some on line the next time.
Call J.C. Whitney at 1-800-853-4227. Or go online to They have "Splitfire" plugs for Hardleys, so chances are good that they can also supply your needs. The performance plugs are $4 each, and the platinum plugs are $6. They send their $4 catalog free with each order. It makes great outhouse literature. Come to think of it, if you can go on line, you can find a set of good plugs cheap no matter where you live.
NAPA and other auto-parts suppliers all have cross-reference manuals for spark plugs. It should not be too hard to come up with a list of alternate plugs that go for a lot less than what the motorcycle stealer wants. For example, I use Autolite 4162's in my B12 and paid $2.50 USD each. Parts houses often have sales on things like plugs. I once got 8 platinum Bosch plugs for my '87 Nissan 200 sport coupe at one such sale for about $1.50 each. That set of plugs lasted until I sold the car after driving over 100,000 miles.
Herb 0