Being the hypocrit that I am, even though it had an oil leak I really like the Buel Ulyses. If I were to buy a giant dirt bike that would be the one for me. They all have their plus and minus's but as far as looks to form ratio I would have to go with the Buel. 
That Buell IS a good looking bike. I like it.
'Bout the "insect" looking bikes, got that one right! I thought the Bandit was funky as hell when I first got it. I used to describe it to people as having an
alien queen head fairing. But I hadn't paid attention to bikes for 23 years at the time, so the current look was a surprise to me. It's grown on me. The V-Strom is even funkier, but that has slowly grown on me, too. I no longer think it's fugly. Just weird. I would own one with no qualms.