No I didn't ride a customers bike this time! My son bought a 07 CBR600RR w/ 1600 miles yesterday. Awsome bike, GREAT brakes, and sooo light. It's not the bike I tried steering him toward though. Its his 1st street ride,and I suggested the 650 Ninga/650 Verseys/SV650/DL650. But I can't blame him for wanting the CBR, its a nice bike. I didn't get a chance to use what its made for, its power range isn't really usable on the street. Definatly track oriented, but less weight on your hands than on my SV1000. My SV and Bandit both give better wind protection.(SV the best w/ the double bubble,and stock on the 1st gen Bandit.)
He's not ready for the track yet, I'm pushing the Rider Saftey course. And giving him all kinds of street wise info.