Author Topic: cop`s trying to get you to speed?  (Read 5803 times)

Offline snofrog

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« on: September 05, 2005, 12:51:59 AM »
did my n territorial rd loop tonight 130 miles port to port great time except coming down out of chelsea . road is wide open in front of me and a car flies up on my rear and sits Right on my rear (how close you ask ? i can only see one headlight in each of my mirrors ? i`m doing 60 on the speedo (in reality prolly close to double nickle) well i didnt even downshift i just roll it up to 70 and back down in an effort to put a little room between this car and me well the car does the same thing and is right back on my arse but this time i notice a cherry on top of the car and realize whats going on i just shake my head and slow down 45 or so and wave this guy on past well he just slows down and turns around seems to me there were plenty enough speeders on the road without trying to drum up more buissiness . man am i &^%$%^@@@ mad
if you are a cop ,this story/event is not about you .nor am i trying to unload on you as a cop .unless you are the Ahole i`m refering to in this story/event in wich case i hope the years of holding a radar gun in your lap makes your berrys fall off.

thank goodness i was alone ,had i been with my riding bud`s he prolly would of had a reason to mess with us.
has anyone else had something like this happen or is it just me . Mark
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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Offline theslyfox

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 05:59:43 AM »
Man that cop is one sick son of a bitch!!!! And I hope his berrys fall of too he deserves it after that.
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Offline B6mick

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 08:13:55 AM »
I know what your saying bloke, I hate it when joe bogbreath does it (Tailgating ) but when cops do it to raise revenue, I really get pissed off.
It has happened to me over the years but only a couple of times. Me I just pull over, they either bugger off or cop a mouthfull. And when I say a mouthfull, I do not mean a mouthfull of abuse. I demand their rank, (Like its hard to tell , but for the record ) serial number, again its in plain view, ( well it is in this state of oz ) station that he is serving, his/her officer incharge. Now after that they know your pissed, And tell the idiot that your reporting him to a higher authority. Nothing against cops, but when they are to bloody lazy to find real offenders, or think they can bully people into offending, they need to be run out of the force. And I think even most real cops would think that too.
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Offline aussiebandit

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2005, 08:29:13 AM »
Having 'socialised' with (read got really drunk with) a number of our friends in blue I can honestly say that NONE of the cops I know personally would do that sort of thing.  But, funny thing is they're the ones that have warned me of other cops that do.  Even to the point of telling me where they hide, what shifts they do, and the rego of the car they usually drive.

Unfortunately, it's a minority of jack prick, bastard cops, that give the rest of them a really shitty name.

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Offline PeteSC

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2005, 10:57:42 AM »
He could be running your tag, or waiting to see if you're willing to do something stupid.
   I don't like to be tailgated by anyone.....cops included.

   If the guy is following you that closely, and making you nervous, find a public place to pull off....use a turn signal.....then if he whips in behind you...aks him what the hell he wants and why he thinks he has the right to endanger your life by riding your arse?
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline fake

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2005, 03:20:06 PM »
I'm a cop, and I can say there are bad apples in my profession; just like in EVERY profession.
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Offline PeteSC

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2005, 03:39:25 PM »
Fake, seriously, I've driven a LOT, in all states, and really support the police.  (I'm not a crook, I don't feel guilty when I see them...)
  I have noticed a lot of cops tailgating.   Probably close to the percentage of average motorists who tailgate.   Maybe there's some 'patrol function' to this, but it sure makes you notice the car behind you is tailgating, when it's a cop.

  It's kind of the same effect a big truck has when it tailgates...except the cop car doesn't fill up all of your mirrors, rear window, etc.......but you 'notice' it quicker, and remember it! :shock:
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline snofrog

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2005, 04:10:39 PM »
Quote from: "PeteSC"
Fake, seriously, I've driven a LOT, in all states, and really support the police.  (I'm not a crook, I don't feel guilty when I see them...)
  I have noticed a lot of cops tailgating.   Probably close to the percentage of average motorists who tailgate.   Maybe there's some 'patrol function' to this, but it sure makes you notice the car behind you is tailgating, when it's a cop.

  It's kind of the same effect a big truck has when it tailgates...except the cop car doesn't fill up all of your mirrors, rear window, etc.......but you 'notice' it quicker, and remember it! :shock:

believe me Pete... this cop filled MY mirrors . at one point his headlights were hitting the ground in front of me :shock: at one point before i realized who it was i almost clicked a couple of gears to put an end to it  . GLAD i didnt

btw this was in the middle of bfe .there is no place public enough to pull over comfortably
oo b12 s
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Offline Red01

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2005, 04:40:35 PM »
Doesn't have to be a public place, anyplace wide enough for you to pull over and let them go by will do when you're in the middle of BFE.

Had a deputy do the same thing to me just a few days ago. He'd been following me at a safe distance for a mile or so,  but when the speed limit dropped from 50 to 35, he was on me like flies on cow pies. In this instance, there was a business to pull into, so I did, and he went on by... but I was prepared to tell what I thought of him tailgating a motorcycle that can stop much faster than he can.
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Offline PeteSC

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2005, 06:20:32 PM »
I was suggesting a 'public' place, since you may be somewhat irate, but would inform the cop what he was doing 'civilly', I hope.
  It migh be nice to have witnesses that you weren't screaming, or making aggressive motions.
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline Red01

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2005, 06:30:19 PM »
True! And I agree, but if such a place is not handy, best to get off the road and let him go, or see what he wants.
2001 GSF1200S
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Offline snofrog

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2005, 07:14:49 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Doesn't have to be a public place, anyplace wide enough for you to pull over and let them go by will do when you're in the middle of BFE.

thats what i did... slowed gave them the go around wave when they just dropped back and did a uie . i`m still miffed  .

Fake ...i know all cops arent like this and that`s the reason for the disclaimer in the original post. but if you choose you can bitch about some tool and die welders and we can call it even :beers: .M
oo b12 s
thank`s Ivan
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Offline PeteSC

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2005, 09:43:07 PM »
Dunno, snofrog...
  Maybe they had a report of an escaped criminal riding a pink harley in your area.....and they were trying to figure out if you were close enough.... :duh:

  Once, 30 years ( :shock: ) ago, I was walking to work at a gas station I worked at.  It wasn't a really bad area, but not 'nice'.
  It was mid afternoon, daylight,  and I felt something was following me.
 I turned around, and saw one of the local city unmarked cars with two detectives in it.
 They rolled along the curb, about 150 feet behind me, and I kept walking.
  This went on for a couple of blocks, and I KNEW I didn't do anything!
  I was a couple of blocks from work,  but figured I'd see if they were following me, so I took a right on a side street that had a building close to the corner, and  broke into a sprint for like 5 steps and dodged around the corner....just far enough to be out of sight briefly.  
They gunned the car as soon as I broke into my little sprint, and I knew it was ME they wanted.   I stopped, and waited for the car to stop.    :wtf:
  They came out and asked for some ID.  I showed them my license.
 I asked them what they wanted, and they said something about a liqour store being held up a few blocks away, and that was it.

   Later that night, one of the uniformed cops stopped in who bought cigs regularily at the station, and I asked about the liqour store that was stuck up.
  He told me the guy got away, and they were looking for a BLACK guy, 30's, 5'9-5'10.
   Wow. I can see how the detectives could be confused.  I guess a white guy, with long hair, 6'7".........looks a heck of a lot like a 5'10" black guy in broad daylight! :duh:
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline B6mick

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2005, 09:28:03 AM »
Kinda getting off track there Pete,

But as we are going off track, same sought of thing happened to me about 20 odd years back, 2 young wannabe cops, both wanna take down a big tough bikie. Stupid little boys, followed me every night for a week.
I would get home in the early evening leash up my two english bull terriers, and walk a half mile to the local shops for milk, bread, and shyte to that effect, I finally cracked it and beckoned the 2 little boys in blue to come up to me. I asked "WTF they thought they where doing and did they not have something better to do". They inturn answered, " that they where consernded for my safety, as bikie wars had been, esculating"
A very quick demo of dog control, had them both back pedalling, both dogs, responded to non verbal commands, perfectly and stood down, just as well. needless to say my personal safety was no longer an issue they need to pursue.
But the story dont stop there, at the time I had a government job therefore I worked a 9 day fortnight. On my rostered day off, I walked to the local rail station and caught a train into the city, to buy some new parts for my then Hardly Dangerous. Any way to cut a long story short on my return the 2 little boys in blue, greeted me with some beautiful braclets, and bundled into the rear of the cop car. hmm I am under arrest for armed robbery. Nice one boys. When? at 9.30 am. hmm got a receipt in me pocket that says I was in the bike shop 18 miles away at 9.35. hmmmm. " Are you sure it was me lads?". "Yep got you, you lowlife bikie scum".  Hmmmm "ok then lets go down the station then, cause I'm gonna have both you 2 idiots with a size 10 boot up your ass before the days end". Yep the look on thier dials when the senior sargent, landed his boot up thier collective butts, was priceless. Needless to say 2 little boys in blue found something better to do. :banana:  :banana:  :banana:
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Offline PeteSC

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cop`s trying to get you to speed?
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2005, 09:35:17 AM »
Mick, I guess we just look like scum...... :lol:
Spartanburg, SC
'99 Bandit 1200
'03 DR650
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