Author Topic: Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14  (Read 6411 times)

Offline aussiebandit

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« on: February 04, 2006, 12:15:54 AM »

A 65 year old driver from the Sydney suburb of French's Forest recently caused an accident that resulted in a range of severe injuries to a motorcyclist, yet was allowed to walk free from Manly Court with no conviction recorded or even any fine imposed.

According to newspaper reports, the motorcyclist sustained "brain injuries, a collapsed lung, neck fractures, three broken fingers and numerous facial fractures which required 12 plates and jaw wiring"

The driver, Thomas Ramsay, pleaded guilty to negligent driving, and was told by Magistrate Andrew George that the process of being charged "must be seen by the community to be significant punishement."


about bloody time

An appeal has be lodged against the leniency of the six year sentence imposed upon Melanie Louise Edwards will be heard in soon in Melbourne court.  Edwards had a blood alcohol reading of 0.14 (limit in Oz is 0.05) when she collided with motorcyclist Geoff Lording, killing him instantly.

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2006, 06:04:42 AM »
Slight correction required,

Geoff Unforuantly did not die instantly as quoted, he in fact bleed to death, after the car that hit him, from the oppisite direction, ripped his right leg from his body. Mean while the drunken bitch just drove off.

A fellow Bandit rider as well. :sad: 96 1200s Red,

The bike lives on as a rolling tribute to Geoff, The tv show Two wheel Torque bought the bike as a wreck/project bike/streetfighter, come drag bike, and if I dont say myself is starting to look pretty smart.
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Offline aussiebandit

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2006, 07:25:34 AM »
Is that the same accident where the dumb bitch didn't stop and when the police finally caught her, she had no idea where the 'red paint' came from????

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2006, 05:18:50 AM »
Yep thats the one, and again unfortunatly, it wasn't red paint, it was Geoffs Blood and Flesh. I have nothing against the bitch, but her actions deserve a lot more than she got. Even the most drunken bastard in the world, should and I do mean should at least render assitaince. She needs the book thrown at her time and time again. 1 she drove her car, not just a little bit drunk as in just over the limit, she was efen blind drunk. 2 she crossed double white lines into the path of Geoff and collided with him and his bike. 3 And the worst offence of all is to drive off and leave the poor bloke bleeding to death in the gutter. For F*#* sake if that aint the most lowest act of all. And she's bitching about 6 years. Tell that Geoffs wife and fatherless kids. Send her my way, she soon think 6 years is pretty light.
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Offline aussiebandit

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2006, 06:12:46 AM »
Hey at least she went to gaol.

I remember a couple of years ago just out of Geelong, a cage driver (woman) who was busy typing a text message ran over a push bike rider and killed him. All that silly bint got was a 2 year suspended sentance and had her drivers licence cancelled for two years -

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline solman

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2006, 07:15:48 AM »
A 65 year old driver from the Sydney suburb of French's Forest recently caused an accident that resulted in a range of severe injuries to a motorcyclist, yet was allowed to walk free from Manly Court with no conviction recorded or even any fine imposed.

So basically your country will lock you up for a long time if you have a gun, but if you run kill someone with a car, you walk away? :stickpoke:
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline B6mick

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2006, 04:12:59 AM »
Quote from: "solman"

So basically your country will lock you up for a long time if you have a gun, but if you run kill someone with a car, you walk away? :stickpoke:

Yep seems about it in a nut shell.
Now, an accident is an accident, shyte happens and all that pooh.
But you get in more trouble for speeding more than 3 kilometers per hour and less than 10 KPH over the speed limit =$135 & 1 demerit point.
In one state double that on long weekends and public holidays.
Yet pleaded guilty to negligent driving= No fine, no loss of license, no conviction.
Arh hello, am I missing something.

Here's another to get you thinking.
10 years for murder.
15 years for armed robbery.
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Offline aussiebandit

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2006, 05:34:34 AM »
My ex brother-in-law, a tax collection officer (policeman), once told me, and I quote.

'If you want to kill someone, and get away with it, run the Phucker down in your car while he's crossing the street, then say, sorry officer I didn't see him'

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline Cruisecontrol

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2006, 06:18:18 AM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
Quote from: "solman"

Yet pleaded guilty to negligent driving= No fine, no loss of license, no conviction.
Arh hello, am I missing something.

I highsided my bike on a shitty section of the Pacific Hwy in Sydney (that they dug up not long after and resurfaced) and the bastards gave me a ticket for negligent driving. A shattered leg, written off bike and a $300 fine!

The bastards.

Justice is a personal thing as you will never get it via the courts.

Offline kpresco2

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Re: Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2006, 05:52:48 PM »
Quote from: "aussiebandit"

The driver, Thomas Ramsay, pleaded guilty to negligent driving, and was told by Magistrate Andrew George that the process of being charged "must be seen by the community to be significant punishement."

I'm not a big fan of mandatory sentencing, however there comes a time when decisions like this need to be taken out of the hands of Magistrates if they are prepared to impose appropriate penalties.

Hopefully the rider will be able to take civil action.
Ken Prescott

Offline B6mick

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2006, 08:53:35 PM »
Ken I couldn't agree with you more on mandatory sentencing.

As said, an accident is an accident, nothing more nothing less.
We all make mistakes, For F*#* sake I've made some rippers.
Yes I know accidents don't just happen they are caused.
So we do have to take into account that shyte happens.
We as motorcyclist can be our own worst enemies, we engage in a form of transportion thats is dangerous. So we must, look at accidents, in a different light.
Now if we look at the Nth Sydney accident, 1 mistake was made.
Now if the rider had have been in a car, there would, be more than likely no major injuries. But again No fine No loss of licence and No conviction, is still a bit on the slack side, when you consider what 1 would cop for speeding.
Now I would like to bring your attention back to Geoffs case,
3 huge mistakes on the part of the driver. Now if I got pissed went out shooting (thats if I had a gun :wink: ) shoot dead a person, and claimed I saw the eyes light up in my spot light, thought it was a roo, would I only get 6 years? And thats only 2 mistakes.
All I can say is we have 1 F*#* up justice system.
Yeh I know we all make mistakes. :duh:
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Offline B6mick

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2006, 02:07:55 AM »
And speaking of F*#*ed justice systems, how the heck is this one.

A Sudaniese Refugee, was give a 3 year licence cancelation for, now sit down. For driving while disqualified, driving drunk, no correction absolutly pissed out his mind. Runs of the road though a school yard and into a brick wall in a Dandenong primary school, causing injuries to 4 little kiddies. One child had to have his lower leg and foot amputated.

This fella was discribed to the court as a habitual drink driver.
Can you work it out, because for the life of me I F*#*en carn't.

I do stand corrected he actually got a 3 year fully suspended sentence.
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline aussiebandit

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2006, 02:42:51 AM »
As I said before Mick
'If you want to kill someone, and get away with it, run the Phucker down in your car while he's crossing the street, then say, sorry officer I didn't see him'

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2006, 05:00:12 AM »
I'm really starting to have serious doubt on the validity, of a victorian car driving licence. Our courier van got cleaned up along with 3 other cars the other day. Now some how the stupid person that caused the whole thing, (said that way as not to appear, racsist or sexist) climbs from the wreck, and says to everyone invovled, sorry I just got back from my home in Malaysia, and I've forgotten the road rules. F*#* me, I aint ever going there, (malaysia) red lights over there must mean go. :duh:
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline aussiebandit

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Court Watch - AMCN Vol55No14
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2006, 05:45:59 AM »
F*#* me, I aint ever going there, (malaysia) red lights over there must mean go.

No, over there it's better to run a person over than a farm animal.....costs more to replace.....

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"