Author Topic: dragging a knee on Bandit!  (Read 5676 times)

Offline smooth operator

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dragging a knee on Bandit!
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2005, 08:54:59 AM »
I was draggin'my knee at the track,but never would try it on the road. I have rear sets that touch down and the high mount exhaust can to get it out of harms way. But the 1200 has alot of wieght, and I could definatly tell the difference between conditions on a hot day and a cold day, Your tires need to be in great conditions and so does the tarmac. Make sure you keep your shoulders square and put out your knee and it will touch down. But just remember, if it gets wet(school of hard knocks)or tires are not up to par and you get to that edge, that back tire can slide out without making mistakes in your riding style.

Offline banditII

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dragging a knee on Bandit!
« Reply #16 on: October 22, 2005, 06:16:42 PM »
Doesn't matter what I'm riding, I always hang off some in the curves if I'm doing sporty riding, however, I've never drug my knee.  The knee comes close, but has never touched down.  I used to think racers hung off and drug their knees just for show, but I then thought there had to be a reason.  So one day I was riding my bicycle on the driveway with my daughter and I did something that I had done as a kid and just forgot about it.  I stood up on the pedals, shifted my body to the left and made a sharp left U-turn while the bicycle stayed straight up.  Aaahhh!!  The light came on then.  Hanging off allows one to turn sharper without near as much lean angle.  Pretty neat.
Riding motorcycles..........and loving it! :-)
