Now I know you guys work on us gallons and I dont have the conversion.
But heres the conversion to imperial gallons
$1.36 per litre, regular gas.
600 ml = I imperial pint.
8 pints = 1 gallon
1 imperial gallon = 4.8 litres
= $6.52 per imperial gallon.
You can get the conversion real easy (along with lots of other conversions) for free.
Josh Madison's Convert program
I find it's a very handy tool!

1 US gallon = 0.8326738 Imperial gallon
1 Imperial gallon = 1.20095 US gallon
1 US gallon = 3.785412 Liters (or litres)
Nice one Paul
In Reply to Desolation Angel's comments about using domesticly produce oils. Yes we should to, but along with you guys we, joined OPEC too.
So the price of oil, whether its domestic or imported crude oil, the price is governed by some oil sheik, needing feed all them wives etc.
Hey Kev25v6, you reckon your being stiffed.
At my local BP severo, when the price was $1.16 per litre, had a graph sign up, to show where our money was going. Of the $1.16, 0.47 cent went to the oil company, the rest went in fuel excise tax, state tax, federal tax, and wait for it Goods and services tax.
Just this week I converted our courier van to LPG fuel, ok I don't like it, as I've had drama's with it in the past. It runs the engine 3 times hotter, it does not have any lube quaities at all, so its hard on valves and heads, and if not managed it will kill engines in no time. But at 46cents a litre, it sure has one huge good point,
PRICEnow to manage the LPG. run it regularly on petrol, and also run a vacum supplied upper cyclinder lube setup. Here's the run down so far.
Daily use of petrol was $35- 40 per day
Now with LPG $5 petrol $11 LPG $1 flash lube.
More than halved our daily running bill for a $620 outlay.