Got my 1250 w/ABS yesterday. It had one mile on it. Just out of the crate. Put a battery charger plug on (see plug just below seat) as I charge when not riding. Rode to the local ice house where 150-200 meet and greet. Mostly HD and a few others...they looked but not much comment.
Torque Monster
This is a keeper.
Best bang for the buck. I will keep this one. Now have 39 miles on it...guess I had better put a few more on. Here is a pic, looks like your's...
My ABS was $500 more, but if it saves me once, it will be worth it. It adds about ten pounds I think. A friend of mine who rides 35-40K a year swears by it on his GW.
I posted last night on the FAQ board, in error, and it seems it was removed. I learn as I go along.