Author Topic: I think my B12.5 is going bye bye  (Read 10438 times)

Offline 03banditrdr

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« on: July 10, 2007, 11:37:16 AM »
Because I want it to!!! :taz:

Offline ZenMan

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 01:32:00 PM »
???  So change the seat.  ???

From what I've been reading about the new Connie, it's a big disappointment. They're already having issues with heat and computer goofs, and the dang thing is over 650 pounds wet!  :shock:

I'm thinking of changing my seat too, though I'm getting used to it. But the rest of the bike is just so damn great, there's no way I'd even consider another bike right now... unless I could keep my Bandit!  :motorsmile:
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Offline 03banditrdr

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2007, 03:56:21 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
???  So change the seat.  ???

From what I've been reading about the new Connie, it's a big disappointment. They're already having issues with heat and computer goofs, and the dang thing is over 650 pounds wet!  :shock:

I'm thinking of changing my seat too, though I'm getting used to it. But the rest of the bike is just so damn great, there's no way I'd even consider another bike right now... unless I could keep my Bandit!  :motorsmile:
please tell me who's making a different seat??? cause as of now I know of no one??? I agree though under 250 miles the bike is great, around town great...but i want something I can two up on better.

Offline ZenMan

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 04:25:37 PM »
Corbin is working on obtaining a B1250 (possibly from Dale Walker) at this moment and could be coming out with a seat before the summer is out.

Sargent is also working on a B1250 seat for release next spring, and has a list you can put your name on if you're interested.

You know accessories for brand-new models take awhile to come out.... Patience, Grasshopper!  :bandit:
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Offline 03banditrdr

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 04:57:52 PM »
Thats some pretty SLOW times considering how long the bikes already been out.

Offline ZenMan

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2007, 05:33:25 PM »
How long has it been out? I got the first one on the board, on March 28th...  that's only a little over 3 months!

How long does it take for a company to design, fit, prototype, test, re-tool, and put into mass production a brand new product?

So you're gonna sell a great bike like your B1250 just because you don't like the seat, and don't have the patience to wait a few months to spend a couple hundred bucks to fix it.

So then what? Shell out $14,000 for a bike that you've never sat on? What if you don't like the seat on it? Or the handlebars, or the mirrors? How long do you think it'll take for aftermarket accessories for the new Concours to come out?

Why don't you just get one of those universal seat pads, or a sheepskin or something cheap to hold you over until you can get a Corbin or a Sargent?

It's your call, but something tells me you'll regret it if you sell it... but I guess you can always get another one, huh?  :lol:
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Offline 03banditrdr

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2007, 07:33:26 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
How long has it been out? I got the first one on the board, on March 28th...  that's only a little over 3 months!

How long does it take for a company to design, fit, prototype, test, re-tool, and put into mass production a brand new product?

So you're gonna sell a great bike like your B1250 just because you don't like the seat, and don't have the patience to wait a few months to spend a couple hundred bucks to fix it.

So then what? Shell out $14,000 for a bike that you've never sat on? What if you don't like the seat on it? Or the handlebars, or the mirrors? How long do you think it'll take for aftermarket accessories for the new Concours to come out?

Why don't you just get one of those universal seat pads, or a sheepskin or something cheap to hold you over until you can get a Corbin or a Sargent?

It's your call, but something tells me you'll regret it if you sell it... but I guess you can always get another one, huh?  :lol:
ive sat on a C14. the problem is projected new seats are for NEXT yr that means the bike will have been out for a yr before production of a decent seat, that is FAR TOO LONG!! ive looked at the universal gel pads and might still possibly go that way, I only know this my Stock 03 seat was light yrs better than the 07.

Offline ZenMan

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 09:21:30 PM »
Hey, I'm just being a good fellow Bandit rider and doing my duty. Your thread title "I think my B12.5 is going bye bye" sounded like a cry for help...  :lol:

Seriously tho, I do think it's rather unreasonable to sell an otherwise outstanding motorcycle just because of the seat, and the fact that you might have to wait for a new one.

I think seats take longer because there's a lot more to them than most aftermarket parts. I don't like mine much either, but I don't have any problem waiting for a new one. Just like I'm waiting for a sport rack and a lower fairing. No biggy.

I waited 3 months after ordering this bike to get it too, and I couldn't possibly be happier... it was more than worth it.  :bigok:
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Offline Tarheel_Rider

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2007, 09:29:10 PM »
You might try this out:
Haven't used them myself, but know several people who swear by his work.  

I've spent a small fortune on gel pads, sheep skins, beads, air pads, etc, and just always end up going back to stock, so will try Spencer next.  Didn't like the Corbin I brought for a previous bike.

Offline 03banditrdr

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2007, 10:49:33 PM »
I may try him. it certainly cant get any worse!!

Offline Sven

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2007, 10:51:52 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
From what I've been reading about the new Connie, it's a big disappointment.

So what have you read?  I've only seen one "published" article at the AMA site, and the real print articles look to start next month.

I am a little sceptical of the online press, so I'm curious where you've read reviews.
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Offline ZenMan

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2007, 12:50:06 AM »
Quote from: "Sven"
Quote from: "ZenMan"
From what I've been reading about the new Connie, it's a big disappointment.

So what have you read?  I've only seen one "published" article at the AMA site, and the real print articles look to start next month.

I am a little sceptical of the online press, so I'm curious where you've read reviews.

Why, over at the Concours Owners Group (COG) in the C14 forum... by the new owners themselves, and those who have test-ridden it:

Pay particular attention to a thread titled "Dear Kawasaki"... and another called "How's the Heat?" where two new owners describe actual burns and blisters on their legs after just 2-3 hours of riding.  :shock:
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Offline ZenMan

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2007, 01:51:59 AM »
Quote from: "Tarheel_Rider"
You might try this out:
Haven't used them myself, but know several people who swear by his work.  

Thanks for that link, TR. I just might try this guy out myself, once winter comes along and I can do without the bike for a month or two. Prices are very reasonable, too...  good call. :wink:
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Offline JamieK

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2007, 02:58:41 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
How long has it been out? I got the first one on the board, on March 28th...  that's only a little over 3 months!

How long does it take for a company to design, fit, prototype, test, re-tool, and put into mass production a brand new product?

So you're gonna sell a great bike like your B1250 just because you don't like the seat, and don't have the patience to wait a few months to spend a couple hundred bucks to fix it.

So then what? Shell out $14,000 for a bike that you've never sat on? What if you don't like the seat on it? Or the handlebars, or the mirrors? How long do you think it'll take for aftermarket accessories for the new Concours to come out?

Why don't you just get one of those universal seat pads, or a sheepskin or something cheap to hold you over until you can get a Corbin or a Sargent?

It's your call, but something tells me you'll regret it if you sell it... but I guess you can always get another one, huh?  :lol:

Considering the seat has been available since early 06 I'd say both Corbin and Sargent have been very slow in producing their own seat.
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Offline Katamaniac

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I think my B12.5 is going bye bye
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 03:01:50 PM »
I'm definately going to try these guys out for my seat. I agree that the seat on the B1250 is pretty uncomfortable. It's still better than my old GS1100S though.
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