Author Topic: Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.  (Read 2819 times)

Offline B6mick

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Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.
« on: January 18, 2006, 06:33:53 AM »
I get the good woman, (the minister of war) to ring around for a P & A (price and avaiblity) on a counter shaft sprocket for the rex, Yep so and so's, got one and it's $24.90. "Tell them, I be there later today to grab it on the way home." Get there and F*#* me standing, I reckon I stood at the efen counter for 10 minutes before my D*#*wad, come to my aid.
I tell Mr D*#*wad what I want, and I shyte you not another 10 minutes later says " I haven't got one." Well Mr d*#*wad, ya told my good woman that you do, and I've come all this way to pick it up. When did I say that?, "this morning around 10 am and your name is such and such, is that right?". " Oh, I'll have to go pull 1 off a new bike." So another 10 minutes passes, "here is your new sprocket, thats $60 thanks. Well after I peeled myself off the efen floor, " Just hang on 1 second there boy, (1) you tell the good woman you have the part in stock, (2) and you quoted her a price of $24.90,( and she wrote the figure down as she tried several suppliers)  now you have F*#*ed me around for the best part of 30 minutes, and you now want to charge me $60.00.
Needless to say I walked out without a sprocket, but not before tell Mr D*#*wad to go forth and multiply, but in not so many words.
Just wonder if this level of sevice graces the rest of the world, or is it just a Aussie thing?.
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Offline Sven

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Re: Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wid
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 08:39:20 AM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
" Oh, I'll have to go pull 1 off a new bike."

Well, I've never had a dealer offer to take ANYTHING off a new bike, no matter how small or quicky it could be replaced.

So apparently service down your way is really good!
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline B12Teuton

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Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 08:51:19 AM »
I got a recall notice on our VW Passat that the seat heater switches were to be replaced.  I called the dealer and schedukled first available slot.  I called back to make sure the parts were available and they were.  I took a day off work, took the two car seatrs out of the Passat and put them in my Jeep (which is not fun or real safe), drive down tot he dealer and of coarse they don't have the drivers' side part.
They offer to do the other side and call when the part comes in, which they said would be 4-5 days.  It's been two weeks and no one has called.

Not that I expected any better. :duh:
ATGATT (all the gear all the time!)
2006 KTM450XC Thump-whore

Offline Wooddog

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Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 10:58:47 PM »
Its poor service every where I go.  The last time I got really good service was 5 years ago, from a  small Mom and Pop Moto Guzzi dealer down in Eldorado, AR.  and he is out of business now due to health reasons.  The problem is no body cares any more, they are only out for the money.  But what they dont understand is they could make more money from repeat customers if they would try to put the customers needs first.
Wooddog- CMA
2002-BANDIT 1200s

Offline aussiebandit

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Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 01:15:12 AM »
The best service I ever got was from the local HD dealer when my wife was the Parts and Accessories Manager - good prices too. :banana:

Unfortunately, they closed :duh:

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline B6mick

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Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 05:16:47 AM »
Well I'll be a monkeys, just as my faith in human nature and the motorcycle trade, had been shoot to hell. One of our customers, on our couriers please run restores it all in hit. We took to him the bandit rear disc, Donna cooked it big time running down Browns Mountain, and the lip on the outer edge, made it a wee hard to remove the caliper, so we asked him very niceley to do the job. Well I knew it was under spec, but figured being cash tight this month, that it would have to do for the awareness run in Canberra. He dug up a near brand new one, machined it, and it still has 5.8mm of working meat. Get this change out of a hundred buck note and a new set of pads. :beers: And better still he will make us wave disc's for the bandit and rex, cheaper than I can get them wholesale. :bigok:  I like the man, and his, yes, permantly on the Christmas card list. :grin:
Foot loose and fancy free.
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Offline wizud

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Is it just an Aussie thing or does this happen world wide.
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2006, 06:43:32 AM »
Wave discs? Bandit? Below wholesale? Speak to me Mick- Quickly!!! BTW new chain and sprockets on the toy today, sprockets $80 the pair, chain?- 275 a**se snapping dollars. I'm in the wrong business! Unfortunately no more little marks on the adjuster meant little choice. Oh well it's an investment, right :motorsmile:
If you can't ride today, try and have a good day anyway!