I actually saw a couple on a Harley wearing helmets, today, yeah they were beanies.
(Usually see no helmet period around here...)
Shortly after getting the holeshot pipe on my '99 1200, I was riding down a main drag at around 40-45 mph. A couple of youngish girls were walking down the sidewalk in the direction I was going.
I was probably in 3 or 4th, trying to keep the bike quiet. Not revving, nada stupid. I was checking these gals out as I rolled passed them,
(turned out to be 12 or so...

) and just as I was abreast of them, they both screamed and jumped, as if the noise surprised them.
(I had a full faced helmet on, and my face was covered, so no, it wasn't 'that'.)
I'm still trying to figure out if they didn't hear the bike until it was almost on top of them, or what......
At that speed, and rpm, it was probably a distinctive 'burble', but not loud.
Sorry, there are a couple of things that 'set me off'. One is somebody going 'vroom, vroom, vroom' for no reason. The other is somebody going 'vroom, vroom, vroom' right after starting a cold engine.
I remember one time I was at a gas station. Some JERK on a harley pulled in next to me, under a canopy that seemed to trap the sound, sat there going 'Vroom, Vroom, vroom' for minute, put a dollar of gas in,
(Probably a years supply) sent his girlfriend in to pay, and then went 'vroom, vroom, vroom' again for 30 seconds before leaving.
It was PAINFULLY loud. I pretended not to notice him, and was trying to remember if I had a gun in the pickup somewhere.
I think the fact I had a rice burner in the back of the pickup prompted a couple of 'vrooms'...so I guess it was my fault.
The only good thing is, he'll probably never hear the SUV that runs him over.....

The 'vroom' syndrome isn't confined to bikes. A lot of 'big' truckers figure 'louder is better', also. I was also behind an F150 the other day that rattled my teeth........
There's just no excuse. I'd love to see the local police get sound meters............