Ok then I throw this one left of field
Why is it then that I see every day, police, fire dept and ambo's using lights and no one notices them in the traffic, go the siren, then and only then do Mr and Mrs Moron car driver take any ****** notice and move out the ****** way. Hello are we all missing something here, all of the above are lit up like ****** christmas tree's, yet no one see them. Yet if its audiable, they take some notice. Fact, I personally witnessed it all day everyday for years. And for crying out loud fire trucks are ***** huge. Us motorcycles are small, so if Mr and Mrs Moron don't or carn't see a ***** huge fire truck, what the hell chance, has a Motorbicyclist have? And I'll state it again Pete, in fact said it for me, absolutely perfectly, Loud pipes, Look at me, look at me, look at me. Still beats dayglow jumpsuit, modulating headlights, and light on at all times. If you don't beleive me, take up being a courier for just a month, with stock mufflers, then a month with after market units, trust me its chalk and cheese. Hey if ya reckon try out the dayglow suit, I did. and as I stated, aint worth a ***** full of hot water, because you carnt make the ******** look. The report stated by some-one, ( to ****** lazy to look back through the posts ) in the seventies, very good. I was riding back then there was far less traffic, and the driving back then was of a much higher standard, drivers used common ***** sence (RIP) they used common courtesy, (another RIP) used their effen mirrors(RIP), hmmm most drivers these days think they are for vaniety use only, and most where fully aware of what the hell was going on around them. So your 35 year old study also aint worth a ***** full of hot water. We had a report tabled by a polly, who used a report, to bring in the federal lights on law, back in the 90's, very good you all might say, but, this report was from a scandinavian country, very good I hear you all say, So they ***** well should have their lights on, they are in near darkness during daytime hours for 6 months of the year. BTW that law has since been repealed. Reports are like statistics, they can all be bent to suit, who evers purpose, and just like the pollies that end up using them, they are generally both full off *****.

Edited of all naughty words.
Gee's Pete your

a SHYTE stirrer.

and no you can not have the bloody hook back.