Author Topic: Loud pipes...  (Read 10976 times)

Offline B6mick

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2005, 07:55:50 AM »
Ok then I throw this one left of field
Why is it then that I see every day, police, fire dept and ambo's using lights and no one notices them in the traffic, go the siren, then and only then do Mr and Mrs Moron car driver take any ****** notice and move out the ****** way. Hello are we all missing something here, all of the above are lit up like ****** christmas tree's, yet no one see them. Yet if its audiable, they take some notice. Fact, I personally witnessed it all day everyday for years. And for crying out loud fire trucks are ***** huge. Us motorcycles are small, so if Mr and Mrs Moron don't or carn't see a ***** huge fire truck, what the hell chance, has a Motorbicyclist have? And I'll state it again Pete, in fact said it for me, absolutely perfectly, Loud pipes, Look at me, look at me, look at me. Still beats dayglow jumpsuit, modulating headlights, and light on at all times. If you don't beleive me, take up being a courier for just a month, with stock mufflers, then a month with after market units, trust me its chalk and cheese. Hey if ya reckon try out the dayglow suit, I did. and as I stated, aint worth a ***** full of hot water, because you carnt make the ******** look. The report stated by some-one, ( to ****** lazy to look back through the posts ) in the seventies, very good. I was riding back then there was far less traffic, and the driving back then was of a much higher standard, drivers used common ***** sence (RIP) they used common courtesy, (another RIP) used their effen mirrors(RIP), hmmm most drivers these days think they are for vaniety use only, and most where fully aware of what the hell was going on around them. So your 35 year old study also aint worth a ***** full of hot water. We had a report tabled by a polly, who used a report, to bring in the federal lights on law, back in the 90's, very good you all might say, but, this report was from a scandinavian country, very good I hear you all say, So they ***** well should have their lights on, they are in near darkness during daytime hours for 6 months of the year. BTW that law has since been repealed. Reports are like statistics, they can all be bent to suit, who evers purpose, and just like the pollies that end up using them, they are generally both full off *****. :taz: Edited of all naughty words.
Gee's Pete your :stfu:   a SHYTE stirrer.
 :lol:  and no you can not have the bloody hook back. :duh:
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Offline jeepskate99

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2005, 08:14:03 AM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
Ok then I throw this one left of field
Why is it then that I see every day, police, fire dept and ambo's using lights and no one notices them in the traffic, go the siren, then and only then do Mr and Mrs Moron car driver take any ****** notice and move out the ****** way. Hello are we all missing something here, all of the above are lit up like ****** christmas tree's, yet no one see them. Yet if its audiable, they take some notice. Fact, I personally witnessed it all day everyday for years. And for crying out loud fire trucks are ***** huge. Us motorcycles are small, so if Mr and Mrs Moron don't or carn't see a ***** huge fire truck, what the hell chance, has a Motorbicyclist have? And I'll state it again Pete, in fact said it for me, absolutely perfectly, Loud pipes, Look at me, look at me, look at me. Still beats dayglow jumpsuit, modulating headlights, and light on at all times. If you don't beleive me, take up being a courier for just a month, with stock mufflers, then a month with after market units, trust me its chalk and cheese. Hey if ya reckon try out the dayglow suit, I did. and as I stated, aint worth a ***** full of hot water, because you carnt make the ******** look. The report stated by some-one, ( to ****** lazy to look back through the posts ) in the seventies, very good. I was riding back then there was far less traffic, and the driving back then was of a much higher standard, drivers used common ***** sence (RIP) they used common courtesy, (another RIP) used their effen mirrors(RIP), hmmm most drivers these days think they are for vaniety use only, and most where fully aware of what the hell was going on around them. So your 35 year old study also aint worth a ***** full of hot water. We had a report tabled by a polly, who used a report, to bring in the federal lights on law, back in the 90's, very good you all might say, but, this report was from a scandinavian country, very good I hear you all say, So they ***** well should have their lights on, they are in near darkness during daytime hours for 6 months of the year. BTW that law has since been repealed. Reports are like statistics, they can all be bent to suit, who evers purpose, and just like the pollies that end up using them, they are generally both full off *****. :taz: Edited of all naughty words.
Gee's Pete your :stfu:   a SHYTE stirrer.
 :lol:  and no you can not have the bloody hook back. :duh:

Because the noise is deirected in more than one direction, BACKWARDS.
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Offline PeteSC

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2005, 10:34:35 AM »
Hey Mick, something I've noticed is I'll personally hear a siren, and often have to look in every direction before I can see the cop car, firetruck, or ambulance.
  It happened just the other day, on the main drag of the 'burb I live in.
 I heard the siren,  cars on the street were pulling off to the side,  looked all around,real cautiously, since there were a lot of sidestreets......then FINALLY the ambulance appears, coming down the hill behind me.
  Oh yeah, people in the US aren't real good about getting out of the way for emergency vehicles...usually.  
  As loud as the sirens are, most modern cars are pretty quiet, and isolate the outside noise pretty well.  Turn on a stereo, and add some 'don't give a shite', and it gets worse.  You may hear something, a bike or siren, give a quick glance in the direction you think it's in....not see anything....and keep going.
   The biggest factor is people aren't paying attention...otherwise they'd see us damn motorcycles in clear sight, in broad daylight.....with real ugly riders on pretty bikes. :duh:
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline B12Teuton

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2005, 10:46:03 AM »
I'd like to see a Harley with the pipes facing forward! :grin:
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Offline PaulVS

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2005, 10:46:28 AM »
If you ever find me hanging around in someone's blind spot where they can swerve or change lanes into me... you have permission to pull me over and hit me in the head.   :wink:

(And I have a Yosh RS-3 race slip-on)

Offline PeteSC

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2005, 12:04:41 PM »
All of our safety measures, and laws, only contribute a trickle to the overall picture.
   When Canada first started  using the Daytime running lights, it used to bug the heck out of me every time I went up there. Why are
 I think they help a little.  They don't solve anything.
  You can't teach idiots to turn on headlights when the pavement is wet, or it's raining.  At least the DRL means they have some lights on, and I might be able to see them when it's not dark, but the visibility is down due to fogged up windows, rain grime covered mirrors, or fog.
  Heck, I don't want to convince anyone that loud pipes are stupid.
  I'm old enough to realize that some people aren't open to new ideas.
   Loud pipes will create grief for all motorcyclists, since a lot of people are tired of them.  Me included. I'm happy to see reasonable noise pollution laws passed, and enforced.

  Oh yeah, most of the loud pipes locally are cruisers.  They're LOUD at 5 mph, loud when they're sitting at a traffic light......blipping the throttle, loud when they're rolling it on to accelerate at a blistering 0-60 in 10 seconds rate.   Most of the local sportbikes aren't loud unless they're getting squidly.......accelerating to 120 mph in a 35 zone..... :duh:
  I think there's a lot of room between being able to be heard, and being 'loud'.
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline fritobandito

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loud pipes
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2005, 04:18:41 PM »
The bottom line here is consideration, I think we all would agree. I personally have no problem with hearing loud pipes out in traffic. And, by the way, I've heard them coming up from behind me. And I doubt his pipes were pointing forward ;-) Problem is, if you have pipes that loud, you just can't hardly be quiet with them in places where people want quiet, i.e. your/my neighborhood at 3 a.m. So, maybe we should install sirens on our scoots eh?
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Offline Fromage

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2005, 05:29:20 PM »
Everyone has a differnet opinion of what is to loud and I think that everyone can agree that when it passes your own standard of to loud it is just plain a little younger than probably most of you and so my Interpretation of what is loud would be more tolerant...than say my dads...(I wont mention my mom b/c she cant stand being able to hear the radio her ears are so sensitive...terrible on long car rides)...I think loud pipes can be good and save lives but I also think goign 5 mph and being heard 4 streets over is just annoying...and sorry about idots wakeing up your baby...I know that is a real pain.
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Offline Vidrazor

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2005, 06:43:24 PM »
Loud pipes don't save lives, they just feed ego's...

Offline solman

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2005, 06:55:11 PM »
Quote from: "PaulVS"
If you ever find me hanging around in someone's blind spot where they can swerve or change lanes into me... you have permission to pull me over and hit me in the head.   :wink:

(And I have a Yosh RS-3 race slip-on)

Better yet, the driver will take care of you by throwing a cigarette at you.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline PeteSC

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #40 on: November 02, 2005, 07:04:32 PM »
I guess we don't have to worry about electric motorcycles catching on..... :duh:
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline aussiebandit

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #41 on: November 02, 2005, 07:55:28 PM »
At the end of the day yes excessively loud pipes are annoying,  but moderately loud pipes can save lives particularly when used in conjunction with 'lights on', defensive riding, and if you want day glow shyte.

I know that when I'm riding in a group of more than 3 no-one can hear my stock B12,  which can be dangerous if I'm trying to pass someone.   One of the other guys had a ZX12 and had the same problem, until he put on an aftermarket end can.  Nothing excessive, still baffled, but instead of the ADR compliant 87db, he was up around the 100db.

Somehow I don't think we're going to get any agreement here  :argue:  :yesno:

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Offline PitterB4

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #42 on: November 02, 2005, 09:26:16 PM »
Quote from: "PaulVS"
If you ever find me hanging around in someone's blind spot where they can swerve or change lanes into me... you have permission to pull me over and hit me in the head.   :wink:

(And I have a Yosh RS-3 race slip-on)

Dude - ride rush-hour traffic in suburban Philly one day.  Unless you want to sit in the slow lane - you'll find yourself in that situation at least a couple times.  It's an 80mph traffic jam.  

Hey Manny - is this what you expected this thread to turn into???? :wink:
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Offline PaulVS

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #43 on: November 02, 2005, 09:28:16 PM »
Quote from: "PitterB4"
Quote from: "PaulVS"
If you ever find me hanging around in someone's blind spot where they can swerve or change lanes into me... you have permission to pull me over and hit me in the head.   :wink:

(And I have a Yosh RS-3 race slip-on)

Dude - ride rush-hour traffic in suburban Philly one day.  Unless you want to sit in the slow lane - you'll find yourself in that situation at least a couple times.  It's an 80mph traffic jam.  

Hey Manny - is this what you expected this thread to turn into???? :wink:

Dude -  I live in Chicago.  There's many ways to avoid sitting in someone's blind spot in any kind of traffic.

But I'll give you the fact you're going to be pressed into that situation on occasion.  That's when I keep my thumb over the horn button.   :wink:

Offline B12Teuton

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2005, 03:03:12 PM »
Quote from: "PeteSC"
I guess we don't have to worry about electric motorcycles catching on..... :duh:


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