Author Topic: Loud pipes...  (Read 10978 times)

Offline PeteSC

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2005, 01:15:38 AM »
I know that when I'm riding in a group of more than 3 no-one can hear my stock B12, which can be dangerous if I'm trying to pass someone. One of the other guys had a ZX12 and had the same problem, until he put on an aftermarket end can

  Mick, the problem isn't that your bike is too quiet,  it's your squidly riding buddies aren't bothering to look in the mirrors before they make a move!
(If you're talking about bikes you're passing not being able to hear you...)

 As far as day glo colors, certain colors are more noticeable.
  The bottom line is, it doesn't matter WHAT we do, some jerk will always turn in front of us, or pull out in front of us, and say 'I didn't see him."

   I think there's a combination of 'that vehicle isn't big enough to hurt me',  'It's a bike, it can squirm around me',  'He's a dumbass to be riding a bike, and deserves whatever happens!'  and people just driving with piss poor habits.
   Just notice how many people never even bother to stop at stop signs, run red lights, don't use turn signals, tailgate, etc.
  The bottom line is, most people can go a life time with bad driving habits, and really suffer no consequences.   A minor accident involving two cars isn't a big deal.  Nobody dies.   If one of the vehicles is a bike, shite kind of magnifies.  (And the perp usually still gets away with it...)
Spartanburg, SC
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Offline aussiebandit

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #46 on: November 04, 2005, 04:25:18 AM »
As far as day glo colors, certain colors are more noticeable.

Why is it then I seem to have more problems with cage drivers when I was wearing 'brighter colours' (I gave up on the 'power ranger' look quite some time ago - doesn't work when you're 40, 178cm and wiegh 100kg,) than when I wear basic black. You know the 'bad ass biker' look -  black leather jacket, black leather pants, black boots, black gloves, black helmet with a dark visor and my B12 is Black.

The answer is simple, I look more intimidating and scare the drivers, they automatically think I'm a Bandito/Comacharo/Rebel/Black Ulan etc and will therefore 'kill' them if they f&*k up - image is everything.  I've actually had people who know me say "I knew you rode a bike, but I didn't realise it was that big and that you were an 'outlaw' - what does your Mrs think about it"

When it comes to keeping safe on the road I follow one simply philosophy:

"Treat every other road user with complete comtempt, as though their only purpose in life is to kill you"

I still maintain louder than stock pipes help you to be heard and therefore seen - hell the pricks can't hear much over the 'doof doof' music and the the mobile phone stuck to their ear.

"Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool"

Offline Red01

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Loud pipes...
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2005, 08:01:50 AM »
I think most all of us here have no objections to louder than stock exhaust... just object when it's carried too far. Making babies cry, setting off car alarms or an exhaust that rivals a Top Fuel dragster is too far.

I know I like my aftermarket can. I just don't consider it's presence a safety feature for the reasons I've already stated.
The most important safety feature sits on the shoulders of the rider - hopefully, protected with a helmet.

Quote from: "aussiebandit"
When it comes to keeping safe on the road I follow one simply philosophy:

"Treat every other road user with complete comtempt, as though their only purpose in life is to kill you"

That, right there, ^ ^ ^ ^ is THE[/u] philosophy to live by!  :bigok:
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