Oh come on now for only $6,000.00 more you can turbo a V-ROD

Then that means you only have $30,000.00 in it and it will have the same
HP as a, er, uh GSXR1000 that cost $10,000.00
I don't relly like the style but if I had to pick one I think it would be the VTX first then the Suzuki.
OH! HD had Porshe design most of the V-ROD engine and yes you have to have metric tools to work on it
How about a BossHoss with a 350 V8, or 502 big block
I saw a guy in Sturgis in 2000 and he had a 502 "WITH NOS" I looked at him back-it into the parking spot then I laughed a little and thought
"Oh I get it he got $2,000,000.00 from his mother and a 2" peepee from his father"