Author Topic: New (Old) Bandit Owner....with questions  (Read 3183 times)

Offline Sandman9270

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New (Old) Bandit Owner....with questions
« on: November 09, 2006, 09:48:19 AM »
Hi There!

Just recently came full circle and bought a 2001 Bandit 600s.  My first bike was a 600 Bandit and now it's my 6th!!

If that isn't an endorsement, I don't know what is.  It was stock with 5500 miles, new plugs, oil....$2800!!  Thought that was a pretty good deal.  

Runs great, very smooth.  Only glitch is the tank has been Kreemed and some of the Kreem is peeling a bit around the filler neck.   Rather than re-Kreem it, I thought I would first just put a fuel filter in -line.  Any idea which one would work with a bandit 600 and where would I get it?

Also....need a service manual: Haynes or Klymer (sp?).

I am in Dalton, GA BTW if anyone wants to go for a ride sometime.

Offline GSFStiny

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New (Old) Bandit Owner....with questions
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 02:45:05 PM »
You can run about any kind of inline filter, as long as you can find a place to put it.  Just beware, and dont put it on backwards (fuel only flows one direction on most, ask me how I know).  I personally dont run one, because I had alot of problems with filters restricting fuel flow on my old bike.  But its better to have filter problems than carb problems I suppose.  

As for manuals, keep your eyes open on ebay for a factory one.  they are by far the best.  But in a pinch I prefer clymer over haynes.
I used to think the brain was the most fascinating organ in the body.  Then I thought, 'well sure, look who's telling me that.'

99 bandit 1200s