Author Topic: New 1250/650 Bandits  (Read 8768 times)

Offline H2RICK

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« on: January 06, 2007, 04:44:33 PM »
I went to the Calgary Bike Show last night and viewed the new Bandits. Interesting.....but I'm not trading in my '06 on one.
The bikes are basically '06 models with the appropriate changes made to accomodate the water cooled engine. Everything else looked pretty much the same to me except for the lame colours....the 1200 comes in black and a weird kind of dark slate blue and the 650 comes in last year's 1200 "red" (which IMO is a nice wine colour) and also in a medium blue. Strangely enough, the Suzuki catalogue spec sheet lists the 1250 as having a 5 speed tranny, while in the copy on the page actually about the 1250, a six speed is mentioned. Maybe it's a 5 and a half speed ??  :wink:
I guess a guy would have to actually ride one to find out for sure..... :grin:
As well, I thought the stock can on my '06 B12 was on the large size, but the can on the 1250 is HUGE. You have to see it to believe it. The sucker must weigh a ton..... :shock:
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Offline ZenMan

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 07:32:08 PM »
I've got a '07 1250 on order in black. I was wondering if you happened to notice the radiator on the new bike?

I'm especially interested because I want to order a lower fairing for mine, but from what I can see in the pictures, the radiator looks bigger and wider than the oil cooler on the previous Bandits, and so I'm not sure the fairing would fit.

Any help?

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Offline ant_129

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2007, 11:02:45 PM »
I have pictures that I took from the show in Houston ZenMan if you think they might tell you what you need to know I will post them.
02 Bandit 1200S
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Offline ZenMan

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 11:53:16 PM »
Pics might help, if they show the radiator clearly. But yeah, post them up, I'd love to see them anyway!

Measurements would be great!

I might have to wait till I get the bike home. I'll be sure to take measurements and post pics for anyone who needs to know anything about the '07 1250. I'll let ya'll know when I have it, and everyone please feel free to ask anything about it, I'll do my best to help any way I can.

I hope it's this month!
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Offline ant_129

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2007, 01:55:01 AM »
Here ya go.  I don't know if they will help much but folks can see the bike anyway.  

02 Bandit 1200S
Holeshot 21" slipon
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Offline ZenMan

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2007, 02:30:31 AM »

That new engine looks sweet, huh?

It's hard to tell whether the radiator is wider than the old oil cooler, or it's just because the engine is narrower. Actually, it does look like the radiator is quite a bit bigger... I don't know if the Metisse fairing for the '06 model will fit or not.

Yep, that giant can gotta go.

I like that color!  :bigok:

Thanks for the pics...  :thanks:
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Offline H2RICK

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2007, 03:47:00 PM »
Zenman: No doubt about it....the W/C rad is wider and taller than the oil cooler for the earlier engine. I didn't take any measurements so can't tell you how it'll affect your fairing/mounting problems. Hope it works out for you.
Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is terminal.
2006 B12S (my new LD road ride)
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Offline ZenMan

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2007, 11:50:45 AM »
H2Rick, thanks for the reply. That's what I thought.

I doubt that any lower fairings will fit on the new water-cooled bike then. It may be quite some time before someone starts making one, if they ever do.  :?:
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Offline Sven

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2007, 02:14:45 PM »
I'm planning to attend the Cycle World show in Atlanta and hoping to see the new Bandit along with the new Concours.  (And I *really* like the '07 blacked-out Night Rod.)  And slate blue sounds good to me, but heck, I like the teal green.

For waffling reasons I've mentioned before, I can't see replacing the '03 B12 with an '07 B12.5--it would be like trading in a 42 inch TV screen for a 46 inch.  Several nice new features (and it looks GREAT), but not enough wrong with the old one to sell it, and not enough reasons to keep them both.  But el bandido is about to hit 29K, and in '06 I put over 12K on it, so if I just try to *wear* it out, I might be able to justify it a bike #3 (after one of the other nominees above as #2).

Blathering out loud here...

Anyone else going to the Alanta show?
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
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Offline ZenMan

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2007, 03:11:31 PM »
Hey, Sven... any way I can talk you into taking a small tape-measure with you and getting the measurements on the radiator on the '07 Bandit?  :grin:

Also, pics are always cool...  :bigok:
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Offline Sven

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2007, 04:41:05 PM »
I plan on taking a *lot* of pix...I've never been to a "real" MC show before.  The one here is usually just what the dealers have and the Easyriders show is all custom (and v-twin).

Sure, I'll be glad to get some measurements for ya.  PM me with *excatly* what you want and as long as they let me near it, I'll get what ya need.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car

Offline ZenMan

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2007, 06:47:20 PM »
That would be right nice of ya!  :wink:

I just need the radiator measurements, but I'll send ya a PM with the details...  :thanks:
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Offline gyrogearcrunch

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2007, 11:44:10 PM »
Teal? My '99 is British Racing Green, Y7G. When did Suzuki start offering Teal?

Feel as you do about going for the 2007 W/C Bandido and let's not forget that the '07 weighs in at 496 lbs., about 20 lbs. more than the 1200 models, but the fuel injection is tempting.

I read somewhere that the big Can contains a 3-way Catalytic Converter. So this means there's prolly at least one oxygen sensor, maybe two, and who knows what other electrical connections, so it might be a bear to dump it in favor of an aftermarket can. That would invite the computer to have a nervous collapse (':crybaby:')
unless it could be re-jiggered.
You opinion, please (':thanks:')


Quote from: "Sven"
I'm planning to attend the Cycle World show in Atlanta and hoping to see the new Bandit along with the new Concours.  (And I *really* like the '07 blacked-out Night Rod.)  And slate blue sounds good to me, but heck, I like the teal green.


Blathering out loud here...

Anyone else going to the Alanta show?
:thanks:  :crybaby:  :crybaby:  :crybaby:

Offline H2RICK

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2007, 12:44:33 AM »
I read somewhere that the big Can contains a 3-way Catalytic Converter. So this means there's prolly at least one oxygen sensor, maybe two

:duh: What was I thinking ?? I coulda crawled underneath and checked it all out..... :duh: The can DID look like it could easily have a catalyst in it.....
It may be an early-style catalyst that doesn't require the O2 sensors ???
Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is terminal.
2006 B12S (my new LD road ride)
1976 Suzuki GT550A Mint/Stock w/5K original miles
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Offline Sven

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New 1250/650 Bandits
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2007, 10:50:50 AM »
Quote from: "gyrogearcrunch"
Teal? My '99 is British Racing Green, Y7G. When did Suzuki start offering Teal?

It's the YV4 Metallic Surf Green.  I have never travelled to a planet where the ocean is metallic green (but I hear Jupiter is pretty in the spring).  However, I have seen teal ducks, and that's a lot closer to the color of el bandido.  Like teal, the bike changes colors depending on the lighting.  One of the most common questions I get from other motorcyclists (after "does it go fast?") is "is that the original color?"  So the slate blue mentioned by Rick above sounds really good to me.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
2010 Yamaha FJR1300A | Gin Tama | the silver bullet
2002 Honda CRV | the dirt-colored car