Author Topic: New Member  (Read 2479 times)

Offline WilliamT

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« on: October 02, 2007, 01:38:38 AM »
Greetings to all,

After reading with interest, posts on a variety of subjects, thought I'd register and introduce myself.

My experience has been mainly with smaller bikes at a younger age with my last previous bike being a '75 Kawasaki Z1 900 purchased new. A great bike for its time, but I sold it after about 2 years due to family responsibilities, etc. It's been a 30 year hiatus for me regarding motorcycles.

Recently, my son, (age 24) decided to purchase a new bike, and suprisingly, my wife suggested I do the same (to keep him company). My first thought was to order an '07 Kaw. Z1000 (familiarity more than anything), but after delays of factory shipping, I was introduced to the '07 GSF1250S Bandit.

I have to admit I've been disconnected from the bike world so long, I didn't know what a Bandit was. After doing some research, I bought the 1250S in April and now consider myself lucky I didn't wait on the Kawasaki. I know technology has advanced motorcycles over time, but I am truly amazed by the torque, nimble handling and smooth ride of the Suzuki. My thanks to ZenMan for his advice on the Vario Touring screen - a great improvement.  :clap:

Only 1500 miles on the bike since April - I know, I need to get out more (when time allows). I've really enjoyed reading BanditAlley and "catching up" with the times as a proud owner of the 1250S.    :grin:

'07 GSF1250S

Offline Red01

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« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2007, 10:49:06 AM »
:welcome: Bill! I'm sure you'll enjoy many happy miles with your new machine.
2001 GSF1200S
2010 Concours 14ABS

Offline pmackie

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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2007, 12:21:28 PM »
:welcome: Bill  :welcome:

I was also a returning street rider after 20+ years. I ended up with the Bandit as I wasn't sure I would really like riding again, and was positive that whatever I bought, it would be miles ahead of what I last rode. (a Kawasaki 500 triple).

I thought if I really liked it, I would trade of the little 600 Bandit on something "better". After 5 seasons, and 48,000 kms, I'm still in love with the little Bandit, and the lure of something new hasn't caused me to switch yet...though the new 1250 has some sizzle for me (as does the Triumph ST 1050).

But the little 600 is still in great I guess some more mods are in order...likely a slip-on & full jet kit this winter, not because it needs it (it doesn't really), only because I can.

Enjoy your Bandit, and "book" some time to go for a long ride.
2002-GSF600S, Progressive Fork Springs, B12 Shock,
SS Brake lines, EBC HH pads, Leo Vince Ex & Kappa bags.
Ex Bike Mechanic (late 70's), somewhat rusty
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Offline Barbarian

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« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2007, 12:54:36 AM »
Welcome to the second most dangerous demographic on the road ;)

Here's wishing you many more happy and safe miles.
2006 650 Bandit S w/ABS