Author Topic: overtaking cars  (Read 11194 times)

Offline Blade

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« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2007, 08:41:54 PM »
Quote from: "Red01"
Yup, WA's law is if you impede 5 or more vehicles, you must pull over and let them by at the first safe place to do so.

Quote from: "State of Washington"
RCW 46.61.427
Slow-moving vehicle to pull off roadway.

On a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe because of traffic in the opposite direction or other conditions, a slow moving vehicle, behind which five or more vehicles are formed in a line, shall turn off the roadway wherever sufficient area for a safe turn-out exists, in order to permit the vehicles following to proceed. As used in this section a slow moving vehicle is one which is proceeding at a rate of speed less than the normal flow of traffic at the particular time and place.

In WA, if the lead vehicle was doing the speed limit, it could not be impeding flow because to exceed the speed limit is reckless driving.

Actaully it could be challenged based on what I see here and the key words are: normal flow of traffic

So if the speed limit is say 55MPH and you have the traffic flow moving at 60MPH, the guy doing 55 is in fact breaking the law you posted. Even though he was doing the speed limit.

Offline Red01

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« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2007, 04:11:44 PM »
Nice try Bill! I like your way of thinking...
Unfortunately, WA has that train of thought covered by TWO laws.

Quote from: "State of Washington"
RCW 46.61.400
Basic rule and maximum limits.

(1) No person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions and having regard to the actual and potential hazards then existing. In every event speed shall be so controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other conveyance on or entering the highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care.

(2) Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with subsection (1) of this section, the limits specified in this section or established as hereinafter authorized shall be maximum lawful speeds, and no person shall drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed in excess of such maximum limits.

    (a) Twenty-five miles per hour on city and town streets;

    (b) Fifty miles per hour on county roads;

    (c) Sixty miles per hour on state highways.

The maximum speed limits set forth in this section may be altered as authorized in RCW 46.61.405, 46.61.410, and 46.61.415.

(3) The driver of every vehicle shall, consistent with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railway grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions.

RCW 46.61.465
Exceeding speed limit evidence of reckless driving.

The unlawful operation of a vehicle in excess of the maximum lawful speeds provided in this chapter at the point of operation and under the circumstances described shall be prima facie evidence of the operation of a motor vehicle in a reckless manner by the operator thereof.

We are allowed to speed when passing on a two-lane roadway (one lane in each direction).

Quote from: "State of Washington"
RCW 46.61.425
Minimum speed regulation — Passing slow moving vehicle.

(1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law: PROVIDED, That a person following a vehicle driving at less than the legal maximum speed and desiring to pass such vehicle may exceed the speed limit, subject to the provisions of RCW 46.61.120 on highways having only one lane of traffic in each direction, at only such a speed and for only such a distance as is necessary to complete the pass with a reasonable margin of safety.

(2) Whenever the secretary of transportation or local authorities within their respective jurisdictions determine on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that slow speeds on any part of a highway unreasonably impede the normal movement of traffic, the secretary or such local authority may determine and declare a minimum speed limit thereat which shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected. No person shall drive a vehicle slower than such minimum speed limit except when necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.
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Offline Nitro

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« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2007, 06:46:57 PM »
What does RCW 46.61.120 say?
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Offline Red01

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« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2007, 08:52:26 PM »
Quote from: "Nitro"
What does RCW 46.61.120 say?

I didn't really think anyone outside of WA would be that interested, especially as far away as WI, but here you go: :bandit:

Quote from: "State of Washington"
RCW 46.61.120
Limitations on overtaking on the left.

     *** CHANGE IN 2007 *** (SEE 5078-S.SL) ***

No vehicle shall be driven to the left side of the center of the roadway in overtaking and passing other traffic proceeding in the same direction unless authorized by the provisions of RCW 46.61.100 through 46.61.160 and unless such left side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit such overtaking and passing to be completely made without interfering with the operation of any traffic approaching from the opposite direction or any traffic overtaken. In every event the overtaking vehicle must return to an authorized lane of travel as soon as practicable and in the event the passing movement involves the use of a lane authorized for vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, before coming within two hundred feet of any approaching traffic.

And in case you're wondering what RCW46.61.100 through 46.61.160 have to say, just click here for WA's Rules of the Road and you can click on any of our traffic laws.
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Offline solman

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« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2007, 10:24:27 PM »
If a vehicle isn't able to move over, then I have to suck it up.  It just upsets me when I flash my lights and we pass multiple spots for them to safely pull over and let me pass.
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2007, 02:21:22 AM »
Quote from: "B6mick"
But yes I must agree, one of my favorite roads, can be a total nightmare, with no overtaking spots for miles, if one was to caught up behind
Mr and Mrs Rubberneck, and their friends Mr and Mrs We Will all die if we go faster than 40KPH. But thats Life and I find its better to pull over, let the dog go have a pee, pretend I was a smoker again, roll a number and chill for 10

I don't have that problem on my favourite road, then again it's not nicknamed "Gods Road" for nothing :lol:  :lol:

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Offline ZenMan

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« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2007, 02:55:04 AM »
I don't know what the problem is with passing cars, guys... Our Bandits (G1, G2, G3 or G4, depending how you figure it!) can all pass a car with a crack of the throttle in a few seconds... ???

How much space do ya need?  :bandit:  :motorsmile:
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Offline aussiebandit

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« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2007, 03:34:46 AM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
I don't know what the problem is with passing cars, guys... Our Bandits (G1, G2, G3 or G4, depending how you figure it!) can all pass a car with a crack of the throttle in a few seconds... ???

How much space do ya need?  :bandit:  :motorsmile:

Given some of the roads I ride on, and more importantly some of the idiot drivers/riders we have around here, the more space the better.

It's pretty scarry when you have to take evasive action to avoid a head on with another BIKE that's on YOUR side of the road. :taz:  :taz:

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Offline solman

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« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2007, 08:57:10 AM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
I don't know what the problem is with passing cars, guys... Our Bandits (G1, G2, G3 or G4, depending how you figure it!) can all pass a car with a crack of the throttle in a few seconds... ???

How much space do ya need?  :bandit:  :motorsmile:

I can travel a lot in a few seconds, but so can the  traffic coming the opposite direction.
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline Red01

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« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2007, 02:38:36 PM »
What sol said - plus some of those twisty roads just don't have the visibilty for even the fastest bikes to make a safe pass very often and I think that's what this whole topic has been about.
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Offline Bob Holland

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« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2007, 03:16:21 PM »
If it is not safe to pass, then don't., but we riders do not have the right to tell drivers of cars, that are within the speed limits, that they have to pull off the road to let us by so we can speed.
This may be a reason some car drivers do not like motorcycles. :motorsmile:
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Offline ZenMan

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« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2007, 08:06:59 PM »
Quote from: "BHolland"
If it is not safe to pass, then don't., but we riders do not have the right to tell drivers of cars, that are within the speed limits, that they have to pull off the road to let us by so we can speed.
This may be a reason some car drivers do not like motorcycles. :motorsmile:

Exactly. If the cars are going the speed limit, then the only reason to pass them is because you want to ride above the speed limit. Which is breaking the law, but I'm guessing most of us do that quite regularly whether we admit it or not.  :bandit:

Quote from: "Red01"
What sol said - plus some of those twisty roads just don't have the visibilty for even the fastest bikes to make a safe pass very often and I think that's what this whole topic has been about.

Is THAT what the topic is about? Gee, I had no idea...  :roll: (oops, there I go with the "roll eyes" icon again!)  :bandit:

My point is, if we are passing cars a lot, chances are we are riding above the speed limit, which is breaking the law. And many folks will say that is unsafe, and that's why the speed limit is there in the first place (excluding obvious speed traps).

However, I think most of us will agree that our motorcycles handle much better and stop much quicker than cars do, therefore making it possible for us to ride at higher speeds safely.

Most double-tellow lines and "no passing" zones are established with automobiles in mind. But we all know our bikes can pass a car in about 1/3 the time and space that a car can. (1/3 is a rough estimate based on my own experience, nit-pick if you like.)

So my point is, if you are already breaking the law speeding, then breaking the law by passing on a double-yellow is no different. And doing it safely is just as easy as speeding safely. Either way, the car drivers aren't going to be happy.... but neither will they be happy if you're behind them.

If you are riding a spirited pace, then cars in the way are just a part of the game, why complain about it? There are many ways to pass cars in very short stretches safely, like anticipating and hanging back, waiting to accelerate at an open spot so that you are already overtaking the car when it opens up to pass. You can get by in 2-3 seconds if you time it right.

As far as passing slow traffic under the speed limit, well, the slower the car is, the faster and easier you can pass.

Just my 2 cents.  :motorsmile:
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Offline solman

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« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2007, 08:06:48 PM »
Well ZenMan, your answer sounds like a typical politician answer or police officer answer.  We all know what is going on when it comes to operating a vehicle.  Everybody breaks the law in some form whether it be speeding, or running a red light.  My point is if I want to pass because they are going too slow of a pace, it would be nice if they pulled over and let me by.  One of two things is going to happen, either I will be upset behind them, or they will be upset behind me.  If they are behind me, they will soon disapear from my mirrors and be a distant memory. :motorsmile:
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Offline ZenMan

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« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2007, 09:47:11 PM »
Quote from: "solman"
Well ZenMan, your answer sounds like a typical politician answer or police officer answer.

Huh?  :shock:  What police officer is going to suggest passing on a double yellow?   :lol:

And hey, please don't insult me by comparing me to a politician, ok?  :annoy:  :taz:  :stickpoke:

Solman, I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not telling you how to ride, or being "holier-than-thou". I go over the speed limit all the time. I pass on double-yellows all the time. And I do it quickly and safely, even though I know it pisses the cagers off. Cagers are always pissed off anyway, whaddya gonna do?  :bandit:

Quote from: "solman"
My point is if I want to pass because they are going too slow of a pace, it would be nice if they pulled over and let me by.

And my point is, if they are going the speed limit, why should they? If we want to speed, then it's our problem, right? That's all I'm saying... if we choose to ride fast, then passing cars just goes with the territory. Isn't that why we ride "hooligan" bikes?  :motorsmile:

I just pass the dang cars and cook it down the road. I don't complain because they won't pull over just to let my special speeding bad-boy butt by.  :lol:  :stickpoke:

Like you said... put 'em in your mirrors and forget about 'em.  :motorsmile:
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Offline PitterB4

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« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2007, 11:39:17 PM »
I agree with ya Zen.  Like I said, get around 'em and move on with your day.  If I've ridden someone so much that the move over, I actually feel bad about it (unless they were REALLY poking along).
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