Author Topic: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments  (Read 7109 times)

Offline B6mick

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I ok time to vent, oh shyte yes, a serious vent, but bear with me I’m sure you will eventually see my point even if you don’t agree.

What’s it all about Alffie? I can hear. It’s about the fires, I’m pissed off, natural disaster my ass. What is natural about a deliberately lit fire?
No I’m not just pissed off at the lowlife bottom of the pond scum sucking, brainless prick, who set the fires. F*#* no, I’m pissed at the greenie pandering government past and present, the greenies themselves, and the misery seeking goddamn rubbernecks.

Now I guess I need to explain all of the above.
The lowlife bottom of the pond scum sucking, brainless prick, who set the fires.
What sort of person, gets themselves off by doing this kind of shyte? Then again who, gives a shyte, pity them my f*#*en ass, death is too good for them, and way to quick for the miserable excuse for a waste of air that they thieve. I really hope that the cops catch them before the masses do, not for the sake of the toe-rag arsonist, but for the sake of the masses, and the single murder charge they could face. Which brings me to this single question, will the toe-rag if caught face 200 charges of murder?

Murder that’s what it is, premeditated f*#*en murder, not just of human life, and I don’t mean to lessen that by following up with murder of some of the most beautiful bush land in Australia. Bush land that I dearly loved to go trout fishing, hiking cycling, and of course the bush land that made my motorcycling such a joyous event.

Makes me kinda sound like a greenie don’t it? No F*#*en way would I stand for being labeled a greenie. NO I’m not misguided, the greenies can take a good share of the blame, for the loss of human life, the loss of the land, the trees and the wildlife, that they so proclaim to be the voice of.

You’re the misguided ones, and your bullshyte that you have been preaching about the bush has been just the cause of a huge region, might I also add all water catchment areas has been wiped off the face of this earth, the same earth you would have us believe your trying to save. But I guess you f*#*ers don’t really feel it too much, while you sit, drinking ya latte in some fashionable café with weird asses mate, thinking that your $5 donation to the red cross fire appeal, is doing your bit for the victims of the worst bushfires in the recorded history of this state.

Half of you pricks don’t even live in the bush, you live in the cities, you may venture out to the country side, but you really have no idea, about it. You still carnt understand the basic fundamental of fire management and control, and whole concept of forest floor fuel reduction. For many years the accepted formula  has been 1 ton of forest floor fuel per acre, but since the greenies, and the pandering governments, have had their way this fuel load has in many parts of the region that is now gone, been well over 10 tons per acre and in parts 20 tons per acre. The argument for not removing this fuel, is not remove native habitat for native animals, well where is all the native animals now, there all F*#*ing dead, there crispy critters now. Well done stand up take a f*#*en bow, then go hang your collective heads in shame. Stay in the cities clean up your own mess.
Two to go, the Governments, past and present, and of course the rubberneck.

The governments who will cling to power by their teeth by siding some piss ant nobodies.
The governments held to ransom by this extremists, the same governments who kicked out of the high country the cattlemen, who cared for the land, looked after the land, no it may not have been perfect, but its gotta be far better than just locking the land off. The same governments who will not listen to their own departments, on the dangers of not reducing forest floor fuels. You too should hang your collective heads in shame.

Now the rubberneck, you gore seeking pathetic son of bitch, marshal law needs to implemented with a shoot to kill policy. For F*#* sake let these people who have lost families, their homes, their livelihoods, their everything, grieve. F*#* me standing, all the bodies still haven’t been taken out yet, the fires are still burning, townships are still under threat, the worst is still to be uncovered, the fight to control these fires is still on.
Just stay the F*#* outta here stop getting in the way and let those who are doing something, do it.

End rant, climbing down from soapbox.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 07:29:41 PM by B6mick »
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Offline Vidrazor

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 11:49:43 AM »
Hatred solves nothing. Hopefully those responsible will be brought to justice. But you're putting a lot of stuff in there that has nothing to do with the actions of one or a few individuals.

Offline Dink_1170

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 03:30:24 PM »
Hatred solves nothing. Hopefully those responsible will be brought to justice. But you're putting a lot of stuff in there that has nothing to do with the actions of one or a few individuals.

You have totally mis-understood then.
The Australian media keeps calling these fires "the worst natural disaster in recorded history", obviously this is not true when most of the fires were delibrately lit!!!
However the whole situation has been made so much worse because of the lack of controlled burns "fuel reduction burns' I suppose there are several reasons why; to assauge the Greenies , it is cheaper to not have to send the manpower out for a controlled burn etc. all these and various other factors have contributed to these fires being so much worse than should have been. You understand worse dont you; at this point 173 dead, over 750 homes destroyed, and 700,000 acres burned out.

Old enough to know better, young enough not to care!!!
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Offline jimmym1296

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2009, 07:20:25 PM »
I appreciate your rant. If you cut through the adjectives, mick makes sense. Between the govt and the greenies, you can't do what is needed to prevent the fires. And the people that set them, there are no good ways of disposing of them.

Offline txbanditrydr

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 09:53:12 PM »
I appreciate your rant.

+1.....  Mick - First let me offer my thoughts and prayers to all who've lost not only their lives but to those who've lost their way of life in the wake of this tragedy.  I'm sure the "nightly news" pics and vids don't begin to tell the story. 

One thing I've always loved about Da' Alley is the international flavor and input we've received.  You points are well taken (IMHO) and are certainly worthy of consideration. [Thanks for keeping it reasonably civil as well - modhat off]

Our left coast folks here experience similar acts of lunacy - I hope the perps are found and justice rendered.
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Offline B6mick

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2009, 05:36:13 PM »
Sadly I must add, it has become personal.

With the passing of Gareth Jones Roberts.

I'm not going to get on my soapbox and rant, although I reckon I could give it a fare shot.

Shyte No this is about Gareth.

I 1st meet him when I was a cabbie, he needed transport for ongoing medical treatment, even in the pain he was in he always mustered the cheekiest shyte eaten grin, ya couldn't help but be happy in his presence.

In my darkest hours of my 1st marriage break up he could still make me smile.

A motorcyclist, an all round nice bloke, died with his unselfishness, trying to save his parents house.

Ya still make me smile mate…… R.I.P. :aus:

« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 06:17:47 PM by B6mick »
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Offline B6mick

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2009, 06:14:53 PM »
Hatred solves nothing. Hopefully those responsible will be brought to justice. But you're putting a lot of stuff in there that has nothing to do with the actions of one or a few individuals.


The above posts are NOT of HATRED :duh:

They are of frustation. :banghead: :rant2: :banghead:

Hatred comes in the form of a bullet :gatlin

The murderous actions of 1 or 2 is one thing
The rest, whom must share equal blame.
Because of all the leasons we learnt from black friday in the 60's
ash wednesday in the 80's are still being ignored :deal: by governments, state, federal, labour, liberal alike. All pandering to the greenies. :duh:

Save the Bush doz in a greenie.

And as for the rubberneck, I think I've said all one can say.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 06:35:23 PM by B6mick »
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Offline B6mick

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2009, 07:26:52 PM »
I appreciate your rant. If you cut through the adjectives, mick makes sense. Between the govt and the greenies, you can't do what is needed to prevent the fires. And the people that set them, there are no good ways of disposing of them.

Thank You.

We in this country will never ever be able to prevent fires, but we came lessen the damage, the losses. Government bodies, commisions, have for many years known that this exact disaster was going to happen, it was just a case of when. So much loss of life, property, the bush itself could of should have been prevented, by the simplest thing, the reduction of forest floor fuel.
Many of our native forests do and will survive canopy fire, but he fires we have had nothing survives, in fact many native gums require a conopy fire for the seeds to germinate. 
Still today, in fact the 30 odd bush fires could link together, and with the weather looking like it will turn to the North again a fire front of over 100 miles wide would be far more devastating than it has already been. Our entire water supply catchment areas are at risk, meaning our already depleted water supply, (under 33%) will be fouled and unusable, for possibly years.
We used to conduct forest fuel reduction programmes, and it worked, the Abo's used do the same thing before white settlement.

Thank you to Dinks.

You being an Aussie would understand our bush, our people, and governments that so often fold to the greenies instead of listening to their own agencies, and the people of the land.

Lastest update  181 confirmed dead, with the number rising daily and still expected to rise, over 1300 homes gone.

The wind has shifted to a strong gusting easterly (Not good)
With an expected wind change from the North and hot wearther again in 4 maybe 5 days.( Even worse) Now if ya look at the link above, its easy to see how these fire could join up, with the aid of the easterly wind. Then change it all with a Northerly, Battern down the hatches. If it was hell last weekend, what are they gonna call this? Hell was its little bitch.

Now there is so many tales coming out from the bush fire areas, tales of lose, tales of shear luck, but this has to rate right up there with luck and irony.

One couple, are now having the last laugh so to speak.

They have been at logger horns with their local government after it fined them $30,000, for removing trees from around their home. Ironically it is a small price to pay as their house is the only house still standing in that effected area.

It is reported that the council (local government) is now rethinking it policy on tree removal from around private homes. Clever people these government people.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2009, 01:35:53 AM by B6mick »
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Offline victor55

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2009, 12:19:02 AM »
Well Mick, that was a really great rant.

I am in total agreement with you about those low lifes.

Me and the boss feel for the people who have had their lives turned upside down and it is sickening to watch the TV footage at night in one way and heartening to see the bravery and resilience of those left behind to pick up the pieces. The authorities will deal to the felons in time and once their identities are known, there wont be any place for them to hide in Aus at all

On  brighter note, its good to read your postings and to know that you are still humming  :beers:


Offline aussiebandit

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2009, 12:56:12 AM »
It's been a long long long time since I posted here.

Firstly, my thoughts and prayers go to all the people that have been effected by this disaster (Mick you'll notice I didn't say natural disaster), the people who live in the area, the CFA, RFS, SES, Police, Navy, Army and Airforce and all the volunteers.

The Bendigo fire was within 1km of my brothers house, thank god the wind was blowing in the opposite direction.

"The Eldest" along with 44 other Army personnel from Watsonia are being deployed to Yea and/or Whittlesea.  Their primary role will be admin and general support. Putting up more 11x11 tents, handing out blankets, serving food/drinks and just generally helping out where needed.

As sad and devastating as it is, it was inevitable, with extreme temperatures, reasonably good rain in December on no rain in January meant lots of dry fuel.  What wasn't inevitable was the absolute fiercness fo the fire - this was because bugger all clearing had been done, I don't mean clearing acres and acres of bush, but the clearing of the undergrowth and who would have imagined that a fire front could move at 100km/hr.  Add the fact the land owners were/are not allowed to make sure they have a 'safe space' around their property meant that they didn't stand a chance.

As for the morons that lit the fires. Some say they were deliberately lit, others say they were 'accidently' lit by people throwing cigarette butts out car windows.  To me there is no difference and the offenders, if caught, should be gaoled for 25+ years.  That may sound a bit harsh for the smoker, but I'm a smoker and on the odd occaison that I smoke in the car I use this wonderful invention called an ashtray, it's not that hard to use.

Sorry, it wasn't meant to be a rant, but I think it turned in to one.

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Offline B6mick

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2009, 03:25:58 AM »
Thanks guys, well here is a couple of updates:
One toe rag in custody, to face Melb court monday, hmm I( wonder how many folk will turn up wanting a piece of his hide. )
Another suspected toe rag found dead after knocking himself off,
to gutless to face up.
Another toe rags mug shoot all over the media, best of luck to him.
Yet another toe rag in custody, for breaking into a primary school, and knocking off the school kids money raised for the fire relief.
Another for setting up a fake fire relief fund.

heres to hopeing they rot in hell.

1,800 homes gone.
with the death toll now expected to top 300.
But through all the doom and glome.
The aussie ethos lives on.
We are not out of the woods as yet, the fires are still well alight, still threatening townships. In the hands of the weather gods at this moment, with expect wind changes to the nth and nth east and the temp to start climbing into the 30,s again, puts us in the firing line.

So still got our fingers crossed.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 03:40:47 AM by B6mick »
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Offline bigrus

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2009, 07:25:20 AM »
Thinking of you and yours Mick, wish I could get some of this rain to head south for ya, hang in there mate.
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Offline B6mick

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 06:25:00 AM »
Thinking of you and yours Mick, wish I could get some of this rain to head south for ya, hang in there mate.

You guys seem to be having a monopoly on rainfall up there thats for sure, the far Nth under floods and us in the Far Sth getting roasted, feel free to send as much as you like down here, in the form of rain, or in a bottles, we sure as shyte gonna need it.
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Offline Dink_1170

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2009, 09:50:20 AM »
Thinking of you and yours Mick, wish I could get some of this rain to head south for ya, hang in there mate.
Bigrus you seem to getting your wish, it is pelting down outside and heading south.

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Offline B6mick

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Re: OZ Bushfires. offencive to scum, greenies, rubbernecks, governments
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2009, 04:57:11 AM »
Ya know I cease to be amazed at the knee-jerk reaction of some people.
Yep sit yourselves down I’m about to fly into one of my rants again.

A royal commission has been ordered into the fires and all the shyte that’s gone on with them, I suppose when it comes down to it, some ones butt is gonna get kicked, but I’m starting to wonder if the right butts are going to be in the firing line,

There is talk of an early warning system, cough F*#*en cough, arh hello, the reason no one had any warning was no one knew it was coming.
Arh hello the government did the day before hand, (cough, I know its very rare that I’ll stick up for governments) did in fact warn all Victorians that Saturday was going to be extreme, and that if a fire was to start, it was going to be hell on earth. What is it they fail to understand about that warning, was it not clear enough.

Now their saying and advocating forced evacuation, why don’t they just cut to the chase, and stop the crap. Go back to what we leant from Black Sunday, Ash Wednesday,
And go back to clearing the forest floor of fuels in the cooler months, we know it works.

Let the high country cattlemen back and open the national parks up again. Let people clear trees from their land to have a fire break around their house, all the commonsense stuff, that we knew 100 odd years back, Christ the abo’s did it since Adam was a boy, and Eve turned into a bitch.

Look who needs to spend millions of tax payer’s money on a royal commission, every man and his dog knows what’s required, just a pity ya can’t teach a greenie old tricks.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 05:00:48 AM by B6mick »
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