What a trip....I love my bandit even more now
I went with 4 other people on 3 other bikes; a couple on a Goldwing, a guy on a Vulcan, and a girl on a Shadow 1100.
We left around 7am and took our time getting to PCB, enjoying the ride. We got in around 4pm. From our start point to our hotel in PCB it was 539.9 miles, all I had was a slightly sore behind...the bike felt great! Good trip down, took a few pics; a great one of the 4 bikes (them on theirs with my empty) at a red light...got some funny looks from the poor car people and thumbs up from other motorcyclists.
The 2 days we spent there was alot of fun...lots of slow riding up and down and walking around looking at bikes, plus a day at the beach (sunburned forehead + full face helmet = major suckage...

Did a bit of helmet-less riding, was a bit fun at under 30mph but would not do it at anything over that or out of town.
The trip home was a bit less fun...we waitied till 9am to leave due to a huge pea soup over all of AL. We made about 2 hrs, saw wipers on the cars coming south so we put on the rain gear. We made it to the welcome center about 20 mins later and it was baaaaaaad, heavy rain and light hail, so we stopped. The welcome center dude was mad that we had our stuff on his counter (along with about 30 other bikers) because "someone might want some information...." we left soon after. Got another bit of rain we waited it out tru lunch and hit the road again. We were so far behind it got dark and the cruisers got so cold we were doing like 50mph in I65...so I took off on my own as I had to be at work at 8am. I took it up into tripple digits and got home about 1am.
Overall...a great 1st long trip and I am looking forward to the Hoot in June.
(PS: The ZUK higher/tinted windsheild worked great for me at 6'6" and 240 lbs)
link to pics.....