Author Topic: Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest  (Read 24798 times)

Offline Sven

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2006, 02:12:34 PM »
"Note the slightly higher handlebars (Apparently when the bike was assembled, the left side controls were installed too close to the center of the bars, leaving the end of the bar exposed when the grip was installed)"

Wow, nothing is more impressive than seeing a misassembled product.  And next, here's our "slightly scraped Escape"...there was a bad day at the Ford factory....

In honor of the robot face engine, I'll say "domo arigato" for the pix.
2003 Suzuki Bandit 1200S | el Bandido de Cerceta | the teal bandit
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Offline LensWork

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2006, 01:22:35 AM »
Quote from: Sven

In honor of the robot face engine, I'll say "domo arigato" for the pix.



Offline fritobandito

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« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2006, 09:50:51 AM »
I wonder if LSL makes a handlebar conversion kit for the GSXR?? I have one on my GPZ. Perfect!
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Offline solman

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2006, 10:27:14 AM »
Why can't we get a GSX-R with handlebars?

Glad to see that I wasn't the only one thinking that. :motorsmile:
03 Naked Bandit 1200 <br />Vitamin B12, its great for the soul!

Offline ZenMan

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Re: Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2007, 03:33:16 PM »
Quote from: "LensWork"
For those interested, below are are few images of the new Bandits that were on display at Biketoberfest:

I have several more images. If you have a particular part of the new bike that you are interested in, let me know & I will post an image.

Thanks for these pics, Lenswork!

I know it's an old thread, but you said you had some more pics... do you have any close-ups of the radiator? I'm particularly interested in how wide it is, and how far it extends out on the sides.

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Offline ZOOMER

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2007, 06:16:06 PM »
Wow, cool pics, LensWork! Thanks for linking this over from the other thread, I didn't even know they were here!  :thanks:
« Last Edit: November 25, 2007, 12:10:46 PM by Red01 »

Offline JamieK

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2007, 06:51:37 PM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"

making discoveries and opening up the huge potential of this 3rd generation Bandit will be getting a 4th gen...the 06 was the third gen, it just didn't make it to the US :wink:

BTW, yes I still hear people saying that the first gen was the best one :grin:

My only derogatory comment for the 07 is the engine finish...having seen it in the flesh I can say I don't like it, too bright 'for my liking' but that is not to say that I would look down my nose to anybody that buys one, on the contrary I'm looking forward to seeing them on the road and hearing about how the bike rides.  :beers:
Jamie K in Edmonton<br />06 B12S, Full Muzzy, Stage 1 jets, Timing Advancer

Offline ZenMan

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2007, 08:20:50 PM »
Quote from: "Dreadnought" will be getting a 4th gen...the 06 was the third gen, it just didn't make it to the US :wink:

Oh, sorry... I thought I had read some speculation here on whether to call the '06 the "2.5" generation because it was kind of transitional, being the last air-cooled carbureted engine... but that's fine with me.  :bigok:
Quote from: "Dreadnought"
BTW, yes I still hear people saying that the first gen was the best one :grin:

Understood... and I still love the Z1 900's and the Norton Commando's... they were all the best!
Quote from: "Dreadnought"
My only derogatory comment for the 07 is the engine finish...having seen it in the flesh I can say I don't like it, too bright 'for my liking'

Nothing "derogatory" about that, engine paint and colors are just matters of personal taste. You weren't condemning the entire design.  :wink:
Quote from: "Dreadnought"
but that is not to say that I would look down my nose to anybody that buys one

Of course you wouldn't... no reasonable person would.

Quote from: "Dreadnought"
on the contrary I'm looking forward to seeing them on the road and hearing about how the bike rides.  :beers:

Me too! And actually riding one down the road!

I'll be sure to report all my impressions, both good and bad. I'm sure there will be quirks in the brand-new engine and fuel system, and maybe even design flaws. I hope nothing that can't be easily fixed!  :roll:

The point is that you and I and many people are looking forward to seeing how the "4th" generation bike measures up... and some of us are taking a big chance on plunking down a lot of money for a bike sight unseen. I would hope for some support and encouragement, and in return we'll be happy to share everything we can about what we learn.

There's no reason for anybody to get snooty... I'm sure there'll be a lot to talk about at the next meet, and there'll be a few '07's there too... you can count on it!  :beers:
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Offline banditII

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2007, 10:22:02 PM »
Ahh, emotions do run high regarding our beloved Bandito's.  I'll have to wait for the ride reports of the 07 but I have my doubts that it will end up pulling me away from my current B12.  It better gain 20hp and handle great with the extra weight.  You know though, a bike can be a little heavier yet if it's balanced right, it'll handle well at street speeds.
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Offline JamieK

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2007, 11:05:05 PM »
Quote from: "banditII"
You know though, a bike can be a little heavier yet if it's balanced right, it'll handle well at street speeds.

A-ha...that's where the 06 really got the upgraded suspension/chassis but did not gain any a matter of fact the 06 is lighter than the gen 2 bikes :grin:

On another note, I'm still looking forward to reviews from mags and owners of the 07's though...just because they're not cutting edge doesn't mean they aren't a good value :beers:
Jamie K in Edmonton<br />06 B12S, Full Muzzy, Stage 1 jets, Timing Advancer

Offline ZenMan

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2007, 01:16:16 AM »
Quote from: "banditII"
Ahh, emotions do run high regarding our beloved Bandito's.  I'll have to wait for the ride reports of the 07 but I have my doubts that it will end up pulling me away from my current B12.  It better gain 20hp and handle great with the extra weight.  You know though, a bike can be a little heavier yet if it's balanced right, it'll handle well at street speeds.

Yeah you're right, sorry if I'm a little touchy but I just don't appreciate somebody trashing my new bike, especially when it's never even been ridden or tested yet...  :duh:

But I've heard this weight issue a few times now so I thought I'd do a little research.


Dry weight:-----------478 lbs.------496 lbs.  +18 lbs.                

Displacement---------1157 cc's-----1255 cc's   +98 cc's

So the '07 weighs 18 more pounds and has 98 more cc's.

Now I'm wondering how much the big, huge muffler/catalytic converter on the '07 weighs... 12, 15 pounds at least. Plus gaining 10 to 15 horsepower just taking that off and removing the secondaries...

When you look at it this way, it sure seems like there's a lot of potential there, doesn't it?  :bigok:
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Offline Red01

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2007, 10:47:24 AM »
Quote from: "ZenMan"
Quote from: "CWO4GUNNER"
As for me it spells the end of a long race heritage for those who can recognize it and I for one will be moving on when the time comes to more worthy ladies and remember the B12 for what she was, no homely substitutes for me.

Is it resistance to progress and change? Does the new bike threaten you somehow? Or is it simply envy and fear that the next guy might have something newer and better?  :stickpoke:

"As for me it spells the end of a long race heritage for those who can recognize it and I for one will be moving on when the time comes to more worthy ladies and remember the B12 for what she was, no homely substitutes for me." How sad, what an arrogant and insulting statement. Does it make you feel superior by trashing the new Bandit before you've even ridden one, or even heard any test reports? Why exactly would you want to dampen our enthusiasm for our new bikes?

I suppose there were attitudes like yours when the 2nd generation Bandits came out too... I wonder if those folks still stubbornly insist that the older models were better, or did they eventually put aside their childish pouting and join in on the fun of appreciating the newer bikes?

I don't recall any 1G owners claiming their bikes were better than the 2G - except in the area of oil consumption during the period where Suzuki screwed up with the oil return holes in the pistons.

Not to put words in CWO4GUNNER's mouth, but what I take from what he says is he's not happy with the new motor. Not just in the looks department, but in the fact that this new engine is unique to the Bandit and not derived from a GSX-R like the old one, so there's no heritage, easy upgrades (with OEM parts), or proven "track" record - on the racetrack or the street.

Personally, I'm disappointed with the new 1250, I was hoping for a B13 with a Hayabusa-based motor, as the rumor mills had it, but I guess having a Busa based Bandit would have cut into sales of the new B-King - and probably the Busa, too. What I was hoping for was the B-King to take the place of the naked B12 and having the same chassis with a fairing and sensible 2-up accomodations as a Bandit S. Oh well...

I still think the new 1250 is a great bang-for-the-buck bike, but since I already have a 1200, there's not enough of a change in the new one to make me want to buy a new one. (Now if they had a version that came with the lowers and bags as has been posted AND had shaft drive so it was a cost effective challenge to sport-tourers like the ST13, FJR, C14, etc. I would give it more serious consideration.) The new 1250 doesn't make any more power than the 1200, it just makes it at a little lower RPM, and has a lower redline because of this. I'm sure folks like Dale Walker will step up to the plate and have upgrades for the latest iteration. Time will tell if it's the affordable hotrod the 1200 is though.
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Offline Lmario

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2007, 05:11:19 PM »
I'm with Red01.
Suzuki overhere (=Europe) make it very clear that the bandit is not the wheelie-happy outlaw it once was anymore.
That place is for the GSR and the B-king.

The bandit is now the trustworthy, value-for-money- commuter/tourer bike. Same HP as the 1997 bike, but a more "green" bike. 10 years of development....
Not the "detuned for more torque GSX-R" that it once was.

So, for now I'll stick to my oil cooled 118 bhp, 102Nm 9 year old "badass".   :motorsmile:
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Offline ZenMan

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2007, 07:12:42 PM »
Change is hard for some people, I guess.  :roll:

It's funny how many negative opinions already exist about a motorcycle that nobody has ridden yet, or even read about anybody else riding one.

If you are one of those with the attitude of "wait and see", then good for you. At least you have an open mind.  :congrats:

What gets me is the fact that the only thing that's different about the new bike is the engine... yet some folks complain about the "styling" and handling of the '07 even though it's the same chassis and suspension, fairing and seat as the '06 model.  :duh:

Ok, granted, the engine is the heart of the beast. No, it's not the same old GSXR-based power-plant. But are us 1250 buyers the only ones to see past the numbers (or lack of) and realize what is hidden behind the finless silver exterior, the over-size muffler/catalytic converter and the detuned fuel system and computer?

Has it occured to anyone that Suzuki is doing the same thing with the '07 that it did with the original Bandit... putting out a "wolf in sheep's clothing"?

I'm glad for the "standard" designation, and the mediocre specs Suzuki has put out so far. The insurance rates for this bike are as low as a middle-weight, or a touring bike. I don't think this is an accident, I believe the '07 is deliberately targeted towards the same customers who have embraced the Bandit all these years, the same stubborn individualists who make up the entire membership of this board, those who know what a hot-rod lies behind the deceptively plain exterior of all Bandits... those who have made it into the "cult of the sleeper".  

Yep, time will tell. Those of us risking our hard-earned bucks by plunking $8000 down on a untested, controversial new engine design may be fools, or we may be geniuses in disguise, who knows? It won't be the first time I took a chance.

But I can't wait to get mine home and break it in... get it on the dyno and record the base numbers, then begin the long and exciting process of bringing out the full potential in what I believe to be an incredible motorcycle. It's going to be an adventure, and us '07 owners will be the pioneers in a rewarding and fullfilling first year of discovery, no matter which way it turns out.

That's the whole point, isn't it? Taking a store-bought motorcycle and making it into something that is better than it was, an individual statement of your own taste and ingenuity? Isn't that the same attitude that the very first Bandit owners had but many seem to have lost now?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when the first Bandit came out, there were many nay-sayers and negative attitudes about it, were there not? "It's just a de-tuned GSXR motor, it's under-powered, it's cheap, it's a marketing trick meant for suckers, why not just buy a real motorcycle, I'm not wasting my money on this thing, etc, etc".... sound familiar?

In a way, you guys are right, the old Bandit may have come to the end of it's line. But the new Bandit carries on the same heritage, in my opinion. The "outlaw" attitude is ours now, we are the ones who are taking a chance, going against the grain, believing in something because we see the potential in it that others do not, and we are willing to put our sweat and dollars into proving it.

Just like the very first Banditos. We are no different than you once were.  :bigok:

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Offline JamieK

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Pics of 2007 1250/S from Biketoberfest
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2007, 09:03:15 PM »
The bottom line is that there are not a lot of standards out there to choose from...especially of the inline 4 variety. The Bandit is a niche bike and people that want a comfortable inline big block 4 will take a look...not everyone wants a detuned Gixxer or YZF engine in a super stiff aluminum chassis and one finger brakes. For some 100hp, 80ft.lbs of torque, three fingers on the brake and a 500lb dry weight will do just fine. I'd put money down that a Bandit 12.5 will be a more relaxed ride than an FZ1 and I believe that is the market (albeit a small market, hence niche bike) that Suzuki is after. I applaud Suzuki for taking the chance and producing a true UJM for the people that actually want a UJM...and I happen to be one of those people :motorsmile:
Jamie K in Edmonton<br />06 B12S, Full Muzzy, Stage 1 jets, Timing Advancer