I'll forgive you, brother. You've taken the first step and admitted to your problem.
I don't know if your Bandit will forgive though. You should immediately drain the oil from the pan, disconnect the lines to the oil cooler and drain it, remove the oil filter and drain it. Hook the lines back up, put the old filter back on and replentish the system with a quart of ATF and top the rest with a fresh NON-HD oil of your choosing (a cheap Wal-Mart brand is OK for this step). Run the engine (but don't ride the bike) for at least 3 but no more than 5 minutes. Then repeat the process above, less the ATF, with a fresh oil filter and some fine Bandit Alley approved slippery stuff. This should rid you of all traces of HD Crude.
Failure to follow this proceedure could result in shrinkage of seals/gaskets causing leakage. It has also been dyno-proven to reduce the rpm capabilty of engines to somewhere around 5000 rpm (+/-1000 rpm) and could lead to running on only two cylinders.
Repent from your sin, brother, before it's too late!
And always remember, it is better to put cage oil in your Bandit than it is to put H-D oil in it!
(In fact, many cage oils are BAA - Bandit Alley Approved.)

Your Bandit Brother,
