Author Topic: Son Backs Jeep Into Bandit And Lives To Tell About It!  (Read 6078 times)

Offline texasbandit

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Teenage damage
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2006, 10:12:56 PM »
When my 17 year old daughter took out one of the neighbor's mailboxes (a hand built stone pillar) we made her pay for it.  Fortunately she had a part time job and had income - her car at the time, an '85 Caprice, had no damage.  Had she run over one of my bikes... :crybaby: I don't know what might have happened.
1997 GSF1200S  (The tinkerbike)
2003 FZ1 Bumblebee (Almost stock)

Censorship causes Blindness

Offline jbrough7

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Son Backs Jeep Into Bandit And Lives To Tell About It!
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2006, 10:19:53 PM »
My son is basically a good driver - he just doesn't seem to think sometimes.  Out on the road he seems great but-----I can go out to do some gardening and I'll see tracks through the flowerbed 2.5 feet from the gravel drive and he'll say he didn't notice!!??!!WTF???  Yet, I let him drive through Toronto and I sit there and don't sweat at all.  Maybe his mind isn't in gear until he gets out on the highway??

Hope my daughter is a little more cautious or careful or whatever-
