I have first hand experience. My first bike was a 2002 Ducati 620IE. It was a leftover. I put about 15K miles on it in the 1 1/2 years I had it. I love the idea of Ducati...the heritage and the exclusivity BUT I actually did have a fair amount of problems with the bike. I broke it in stricktly as the manual suggested and did all the maintanance required.
The first thing to go was the slave cylinder. Not a big deal, but it was under warranty so I didn't (couldn't?) do the repair myself. $80 to tow it because it was impossible to ride in NYC traffic w/o a clutch and I couldn't put on an aftermarket to lessen the pull.
Then there was the service, which due to the warranty and being a REAL newbie at the time I had the dealer do. Definatly more expensive than a jap bike. Once again, because of the waranty and being very new I didn't give much thought to any other way to handle it. I'm sure there are ways, and I'm sure even if you are a beginner mechanic you can perform most maintenance but I didn't.
The worst problem was a cronic and dangerous one. I was never told exactly what caused it and it was never fixed. It kept re-appearing. The first time I noticed it, I was twisting the throttle and instead of the bike surgeing ahead, I was thrown into the tank and bucked back by engine breaking followed by throttle. It was like I shut of and twisted the throttle roughly in a very quick motion. This happened a few times and would get worse over a week. Then the guages died/came back/died again etc. Finally it gave out on me, stalling and refusing to restart NEAR THE TOLL BOOTHS ON THE TRI-BORO BRIDGE!

Got it towed...got it "fixed". The dealer said it could have been the computer going into "limp home mode" I wasn't impressed with this technology. It happened again a few months later ON THE ENTRANCE RAMP TO THE QUEENSBORO BRIDGE!

I had to back it off between oncoming traffic. Not fun.
I finally got rid of it because I was scared of it. I still love Ducatis and if I had several bikes, one would be a Monster. It wasn't babied but it wasn't beaten and this is only one mans experience. Take it with a grain of salt.