Author Topic: Video--Lane Splitting in Japan  (Read 17873 times)

Offline MikeD2001

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2006, 12:58:27 AM »
I live in a smaller city without too much traffic, but I roadtripped to San Diego last summer through the entire length of California.  As many have noted, driving becomes a different animal in more densely populated areas.  I learned of the lane-splitting before I left and was a little nervous at first.  However, once I encountered afternoon traffic in LA, I quickly adapted.  My buddy and I often "bike-pooled" with others also splitting lanes.  This seemed most safe, seeing that most drivers would be pretty aware after 2/3 bikes wizzed by.  I also noticed that many drivers would shift in their lanes to create more space when they spotted bikes coming up on them.  If done with caution, it seems to be as safe as any other driving/riding.  However, as a qualifier, I have to say that Oregon drivers are the most oblivious drivers I have ever encountered and that leagalizing lane splitting would likely not be a good idea here (as much as it pains me to admit that!).
Mike D
'01 1200 Bandito

Offline Farre

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2006, 09:36:13 AM »
bike-pooling, good one!
Yes, my first time in a traffic jam i got towed by a group of UK riders. I just followed them while they were lane splitting. Also every time they noticed a car made place for them, they always gave a "thank-you" sign, which i have adopted as well.
I don't think there should be any fuss about it, each method has it's pro's and con's. Cars shield you from the elements, but are bulky. With bikes, it's vice-versa. And in a traffic jam, why should one get mad if there is somebody that has a real chance of not getting late at work or school?

The second time i was lane splitting, i passed a cars, just like all the others, but one driver obviously didn't like the idea i was getting further than them. The moment i passed him he yelled right at me full power, it was a scare, but i didn't swerve and hit any car. But now, i think about how pathetic his action was, he's still stuck there, while i'm practically home already. And every other car that gets mad about this, i just use the same reasoning, and i forgive them  :motorsmile:
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Offline b4cruz

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2006, 02:02:19 PM »
lane splitting is like orally stimulating your partner
you can still get an STD = you can still crash your bike
but it just makes so much sense once you've figured it all out :beers:

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2006, 11:40:44 AM »
Man do I feel like a safe driver! I won't complain about traffic ever again.. Was that the CEO of Suzuki late for a meeting? :boohoo:

Offline devildog0

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #34 on: March 10, 2006, 11:45:53 AM »
I think one of the reasons people dislike bikes doing it here in the states is that we as a country are selfish (SP?)  I know a lot of guys at work are like "why should bikes get to get somewhere they are going faster than me just becuase they are on a bike that is BS so I'm going to try to make him wait just as long as me"

To me Lanesplitting is safe if done responsibly (*just like everything else anyone does) and is not only an advantage of owning a motorcycle (in my eyes) but also removes one more vehicle from the traffic equation.
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Offline dandit

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lane splitting
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2006, 10:13:35 PM »
:shock: That was cool, I think I threw up a little. The only way I'd ride like that is if I had a note from God hisself. :shock:
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Offline Kickstart

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #36 on: April 02, 2006, 11:04:50 AM »

Lane splitting in the video was a bit quick, but lane splitting is pretty normal around here (UK). Certainly to the front of a queue at traffic lights where you can make a good getaway and be out of everyone way.

If you aren't going to lane split then 90% of the reason for using a bike around a city disappears.

All the best


Offline Maximus

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« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2006, 05:23:30 AM »
Yes, I like! :banana:

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2007, 01:34:21 AM »
I :monkeymoon:
Note to self: Leave no witnesses


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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
Re: Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2007, 02:14:02 AM »
Actually he was doing a pretty good job and staying in one lane. Did this for 8 years every week day between Ontario and Long Beach CA bases, 50 miles each way, and yes a guy cut me off but I brought the ass end around and spread the impact across the bike (GS650G) and car and ended up just bruised and riding the next week. Being a biker yourself be careful how you wish calamity on other riders my friend as you my find your self smeared on the highway one day eating your words...

Quote from: "Sven"
This guy (?) rides so aggressively and rudely, that I was really hoping someone would open a car door and wallop him

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #40 on: January 28, 2007, 06:48:07 PM »
I'm just glad I do live in the sticks.(outside Erie 10 miles) may not be the sticks compaired to the places I refer to as the sticks,but I don't have the hustle bussel traffic you see in the big cities.
  Lane splitting isn't legal in the Commonwealth of Pa.(as far as I know) But I still get flipped off a couple X a yr.(passing in no passing zones,or just even passing on a back highway road where someone thinks I'm going too fast) :wtf:
  I surely wouldn't have the goknads to ride like that fella though (maybe just more common sence)

Offline Have Blue

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #41 on: January 28, 2007, 07:44:50 PM »
I dont see any problem with it in Japan.  japanese drivers dont have the animosity that American drivers do.  They would not consider opening a car door to stop someone on a bike from splitting through the traffic solely because they, in their car, cannot.

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Offline Ranger

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2007, 08:17:35 PM »
Note to self: Leave no witnesses

Offline ZOOMER

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Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2007, 12:51:35 AM »
Quote from: "Ranger"
Agreed.  In the times I was over there, nicest drivers I ever met.

I've only had one...make that two dickheads pull that stunt.

The first one got a kevlar encased glove in the face and after the doc's pulled his nose back in place, I'm sure some spiffy dental work.  I probably have the fastest two finger front brakes on the planet and refuse to allow some squid in a cage to mess with my day.
The 2nd one, some hosehead from Ohio, driving a campervan conversion.  He thought he was cute until I peeled off behind him and the CHP that was on my tailpipe pulled him out of the van at gun point.  Not only was he charged with reckless driving, he was also charged with "road rage" and in CA, that carries a mandatory jail term.

HA HA! DUDE! Who are you trying to fool???
I know who you are! ....(personal attack removed - mod)... You were never in Japan! ....(personal attack removed - mod).... You crack me up!  :monkeymoon:  :banana:  :gagme:


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    • GUNNER G. CWO4 WEPS USCG Retired
Video--Lane Splitting in Japan
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2007, 02:05:04 AM »
My buddy has a KZ1000 auctioned police bike and never has a problem cutting traffic.

*Oh I see the moderator stepped in, Good. No one should resort to personal attacts, especially slander. Yes I know, even with an avatar..