Hi all,
I'm very impressed with the information available on this site.
I had an RD400 years ago, sold it when I moved abroad, and decided last year I had to have a motorbike again. I confess, I felt like the SV650 was the present-day RD and that's what I was looking for when I came across quite a deal on an '01 1200S. I initially thought it "way too big and heavy", but the idea of a decent fairing on a standard was attractive; so I did some searching on the web, including here, and decided to go for it.
Dang, these things have some power

. I'm still getting used to the bike, and removing the rust after all these years, but glad I did it. I live in Central Pennsylvania; ride to work if the forecast is good, and play around in upper Dauphin County when I have some time on the weekend.
I'll be posting in the comfort/appearance thread, I've already swapped windscreens once but still not satisfied. And my Macadam 90 front is cupped to hell, I guess that'll need replacing as well. I like the stock seat though, and have the Corbin Gunfighter and Lady that it also came with sitting in the garage.