Author Topic: PNW Bandit ride II  (Read 36605 times)

Offline pmackie

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PNW Bandit ride II
« Reply #60 on: July 09, 2007, 02:33:15 AM »
Glad to hear that your home safe and healing Rick. You gave us all a big scare at the time...

I was really pleased to meet up with you guys, and hope the pace of the
and Paul rides that 600 like he stole it
didn't contribute to your incident. We were just getting into the good stuff.

Anyway, heal quickly and I hope we can complete another trip once you are well.
2002-GSF600S, Progressive Fork Springs, B12 Shock,
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Offline H2RICK

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PNW Bandit ride II
« Reply #61 on: July 09, 2007, 06:42:07 PM »
Now about Al's ride in August. I would like some details. I should be able to make that for a few days at least. Maybe we can out number the beemers again.

It's an easy ride, Tony. The ride is set to leave Calgary on Friday morning Aug 10th and most guys plan on being back in town for Sunday night. Most guys that go on this ride are camping fanatics. First night usually ends up somewhere between Cranbrook and Creston since the getaway from Calgary is usually between 10 and 11 AM what with the usual gasoline follies, etc. The pace on the road is quite leisurely since the crowd is quite eclectic. Heck one year there were 2 Wings with trailers as well as 4 different Hogs !!!
Second day is usually spent riding #3A, #31A, etc etc with the night's campground wherever we happen to be.
Third day is usually a long one either back up through Revelstoke and home on the TCH or, for some, back through the CrowsNest on #3, depending on your particular tastes.
I usually make a 4 day trip out of it myself so I'm not rushed on Sunday. Me and 2 or 3 other guys usually end up camping at Radium or in Yoho NP somewhere on Sunday night. That gives us a nice short ride home on Monday.
You're welcome to show up at Al's garage on Wednesday nights for the weekly bench-racing and trip-planning sessions. This particular Wed night is a Stampede BBQ night. I'll PM you my home number if you need to call me on any of this.
We were just getting into the good stuff.

Yep, Paul, thanks for showing us that road. That was great.
I could ride that road twice a week and NEVER get bored.
Nope, your riding definitely didn't contribute to my dumb mistake. I can do stuff like that all on my own without ANY help at all. :lol: :lol:
I certainly missed not being able to ride #31A over to Kaslo
and then #6 down to Balfour as well as the #3A down to Creston. Maybe I'll be healed in time to go riding on Big Al's Annual Ride leaving on August 10th. Well, we'll see....
and, yes, we'll definitely have to plan something Bandit- oriented for later in August or September. Maybe some of the PNW guys will show up again too.
Now, I just have to get the bits ordered to put #17 back into "cosmic cosmetic beautifulness" again.  :lol:  :lol: :lol:
Ignorance is curable. Stupidity is terminal.
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PNW Bandit ride II
« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2007, 10:26:20 PM »
I stand a chance of making the August 10 ride and have a day or two left over for a ride in September.  My son and I usually go for a couple days rigth after the long weekend.

I can't make a meeting at Al's but I can call him a work and get an update.  I'm off to Vancouver Island on Sunday - driving not riding- but a nice break anyway.