because I'm a lazy stuburn cheap bastard and I want to build a relationship with this local parts/service shop:
I'm leaving the bike at home, removing the carbs and having the local shop clean them and replace two screws that are getting stripped.
I'm purchasing a carb balancing tool there too.
When he's done with the carbs I'll take them back to my house
and balance them myself.
I plan to ask the shop to go with this modified stock setting:
110 main jet,and raise the needle up by moving the c clip down one groove. The stock location is the middle groove.This will get ride of the dreaded flat spot from 4000 RPM to 6500 RPM that we all know about.
(stolen from an old post from the old board, i forget who though)
Anyone think this plan of attack is wrong?
From what everyone thinks it can't be my black box/computer
or something electrical beacuse its starts and idles; it just runs funny.
Its got to be my carbs. They've been siitting for a long time now.
The manual explains the balancing pretty well. As long as I can get the bike to run with the clean carbs at 1700rpm then I can do the balancing.
If not i'll be renting a trailer.

everyone for putting up with my blunders this far