Author Topic: Cog sizes  (Read 6207 times)

Offline echomadman

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Cog sizes
« on: March 13, 2005, 03:37:49 PM »
I'm looking at changing the cog sizes on the Bandit 250. Its a pre VVT 95 model. Any suggestions on ratio/cog sizes?


gearbox cogs? or your chain and sprockets?
If the former i have no idea, for the latter 13:49 is standard ratio i'm putting a 12 on the front of mine to boost acceleration as 49 teeth was the biggest rear my local shop had listed for the B250. Was supposed to do it last week but the shop ordered a standard 13 tooth one by mistake.
I'll lose some top-end, but I wont miss it, and the increased acceleration should make it more fun around town.

and the extra revs you'll need on that one too will make it fun for everyones how we laughed!

I do 600k a week just to get to work and a fair bit of thats on the highway so I threw a 14 on the front, ya lose a bit down low but then when she's crankin you only change into 3rd cos it's already doing a hundred.
1990 GSF250 Bandit (currently getting a gsxr400 engine transplant,
2000 SV650S