... are eeejits!
I've been trying to get my sub-rocker shims for my VC 400, my local parts place (Fowlers) got the right part no's that I needed from the proper Japanese Suz' Fiches, but the part no's weren't on their system. So they said they'd add them to their system for me and then get them ordered.
I then got a phone call from Fowlers informing me that Suzuki UK are saying the part numbers don't exist! When the obviously do.
I've given Fowlers my VIN and engine no. and they are going to pass them onto Suz' UK and they're going to look into it (they wouldn't do anything without a VIN).
Just wanted a little rant
These are the last bits I need for my valve clearance check before I can put her back together and enjoy the good weather!