Hi All
Rather than clutter TJS and Uniques threads i thought i'd start my own thread on my attempts to fit a GSXR600 K4 swingarm to my 91 GSF400
Firstly, this is not particularly straight forward, and requires modification to the frame and the replacement swingarm. This won't work for a standard bandit - mine is being streetfightered so the back end is being chopped about.
Here's how the little Bandit sat yesterday

1. As above, the brace on the GSXR swingarm will hit the battery tray brace on the frame - i'll need to remove this and weld it back in further up.

2. The steel plates of the foot rest hangers will definitely be in the way of the wider swingarm, so these were removed - i will finish tidying up the frame before it goes to be painted

3. The measuring bit.
The Gap in the bandit for the swingarm is 220mm
The GSXR swingarm is 227mm without pivot caps - to keep it central this is 3.5mm per side to be machined off. Fortunately there is plenty of space inside to knock the main bearings further in
The GSXR has a 25mm spindle and the Bandit is 20mm - my plan is to make "Top Hat Spacers" to be pressed inside the standard GSXR bearing inners to sleeve it down to 20mm. The top hat bit is a flat area to act as a spacer each side to spread the load.
These flat areas will be 4mm thick - thus requiring a bit more to be machined of each side. 3.5mm to get it in and a further 4mm for the top hat - 7.5mm per side.
This reduction of 15mm overall means that the centre crush tube will need to be shortened.
227mm - 15mm = 212mm overall final width of swingarm.
The bearing inners are 35mm long each side, i'd rather keep these this length as they are hardened to match the needle bearings.
212mm - 70mm = 142mm for the crush tube. I started to cut the centre tube down but i need to turn some reducing bushes to be pressed into each end to make it 20mm diameter rather than 25mm to centre the tube on the spindle (i could make a new centre tube but i couldn't find any with the correct internal bore)
I will probably make the overall spacer length 143/144 to allow a little scope for adjustment/free play.

I got one side of the swingarm done, bearing knocked in 7.5mm and the outer machined down to match.

The 08 R6 Rear Shock is a couple of mm shorter than the standard Bandit shock and only needs 1-2mm turning off the top bush to make it the correct width to fit the bandit top mount. The Bottom seems to fit perfectly.
I am going to use the inner bushing from the Dog Bone spacer from the Bandit arm with a couple of extra spacers on the GSXR arm as the one i bought didn't come with one (The Bandit one i slightly too short). The lower mount for the dog bones will need spacing out to match.
I will update when i have finished the spacer tube, machined the other side of the swingarm to suit and turned the top hat spacers.
Then it's on to fitting the 750K4 USD Front End