This is my first bike, a Bandit 400 of course!!!!
Its a 92, french version so single 310mm front disc and standard metallic exhaust line painted in black (it's crazy how they love rust...). It was originally red (frame + bodywork) with white wheels.
Here's a picture when I got it 3 years ago:

The body was (really badly) painted in white, exhaust silencer was a CBR600F soldered on the rusted 4/1.
Some pictures of how it is now:

List of things I did:
- painted the bodywork in dark grey, I was inspired by Ducati Monster 916 Senna, but it's little bit different: dark grey body work, light grey frame, red wheels
- put a 600/750 early 2000 rear shock, just reserviced with a progressive Hyperpro spring (unfortunately, I have no idea of the spring stiffness)
- front disc stainless line and new pads
- new oil in the fork (15W)
- got a stainless steel standard exhaust line from Ebay UK
I made more than 7000 km with it since then (more than 4500 in the last 12 months)
Since the picture, I mounted OEM chinese handlebars from Ebay and I am currently in the process of rebuilding the fork with 0.85 straight rate springs and gold valve cartridge emulators both from Racetech.