Author Topic: Is this part of the choke circuit?  (Read 4856 times)

Offline Christnic

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Is this part of the choke circuit?
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:17:09 PM »
Hi all,
I've started a Bandit 400 restoration. This is my first post on the forum which has already been great.

I've been rebuilding the carbs and noticed that this tiny little jet / pipe near the other jets, has the restrictor missing. Can anyone tell me what this jet is for?  Carbs No 2, 3 and 4 are OK, just No 1 is missing the inner restrictor. If this part is just related to the choke circuit, I'm not too worried.  Many Thanks. C

Here is Carb No4 with the restrictor in place.

Offline ventYl

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Re: Is this part of the choke circuit?
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 04:12:50 AM »
Yes, this is choke fuel line. There is also other restrictor in float assembly, so maybe this one won't be so fuel rich compared to others.
Bandit 400 1991 - stock except of swap from GK75B to GK75A

Offline Christnic

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Re: Is this part of the choke circuit?
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 12:40:25 PM »
OK Thanks, My next question is this.  Will this carb with the missing restrictor / orifice affect normal running conditions? I.e. with the choke OFF.  If not, I'll leave it as is. I didn't want to be chasing running problems if this little guy was having an affect.


Offline ventYl

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Re: Is this part of the choke circuit?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2014, 12:47:39 PM »
If rest of choke is in normal condition, choke lever will fully close both fuel and air into choke mixture chamber. That means missing restrictor is irrelevant. It is more or less irrelevant even with choke under throttle, because throttle bypasses choke.
Bandit 400 1991 - stock except of swap from GK75B to GK75A