When the bike wouldn't start, was the starter still cranking? When these bikes fall over, often the fuel dumps out of the carb bowls. Because fuel only flows with vacuum, it takes a lot of cranking of the starter to fill the bowls enough for the bike to start. Mine often drained the battery completely before it would start. In my case I would then jump the battery with a car to get it started. LET ME STATE, MANY WOULD TELL YOU THIS PRACTICE OF JUMP STARTING WITH A CAR IS ILL ADVISED AS IT COULD POSSIBLY DAMAGE THE CDI. That said, it has never damaged mine. If you do opt to jump with a car, DON'T HAVE THE CAR RUNNING! I really don't understand why Suzuki didn't put a priming circuit on our b4 petcocks. Anyhow, just be aware that after a tip over or running out of fuel, you will need to do A LOT of cranking before it will fire up again. Best of luck to you Nige.