Hi there, just went and purchased a '94 bandit 400, one of (very few i gather) the UK models. I'm fairly new to the general biking world, although my knowledge of electronics is pretty sound my mechanical know-how is boardering on Zilch to be brutally honest. Bought the bike hoping to learn alot about how to fix and maintain e.t.c. but it's proved to be a bit of a steep learning curve, here's why:
Well bought the bike from a private sale, guy seemed fairly nice and worked in a garage (good sign i thought). Checked the bike out, seemed pretty good, idled a but lumpy but after 30 mins it ran smoothly, had an MOT done 2 weeks before, £700, bargain!
Rode the bike for a week with no problems, cept for having to start it with the choke every time, was an absolute joy flicking it round the country roads. Heaven.
*problem 1, AAAARGH*Heading down the A47 to the grand city of Norwich when the bike starts to lose power, bit scary with cars and lorries swerving round you at 80mph, coast to a Lay By (thank god it was there) and start to worry as it starts to chuck it down. Everything to my untrained eye looked ok, half a tank of fuel, no fuel line problems, but the bloody thing wouldnt turn over and start. Fret for about 20 mins, then all of a sudden it starts first time perfectly. Well i didnt wanna complain so I headed off home, a bit wary. Got home fine, except that it seemed to lag a bit on acceleration, taking up to 2 seconds to kick in.
Racking my brain, i presumed that maybe there was water in the fuel tank as this would explain why it started perfectly after standing a bit, just to be safe i took it down my local garage to get it checked out. The mechanic said it was a carb problem and tried to drain the carbs. Turns out that it had never been touched, ever, despite the lovely guy i bought the bike from saying they had been stripped and cleaned

my bad i guess. Mechanic managed to completely wreck all the screw heads and didnt manage to get one off, god knows why he didnt use an impact screwdriver

never mind. There was alot of silt in the liquid that came out, i figured rust from the petrol tank getting in to the engine...something that shouldnt be happening since the guy assured me he had changed the petrol tank and had a receipt for it

what's going on!!!
*problem 2, more AAARGH*Well it was ok-ish after that, bit reluctant to start and wouldnt idle properly, had to keep revving it to keep the engine going. Park up outside work, when i come back out after 5 minutes some *?$!* had knocked my bike over and just left it there. God hates me. Pick the bike up (damn it's top heavy) and decided to leave it there overnight just in case anything was inside the cylinders, figured some kinda damage would occur if i tried to start it up. Came back in the morning, tried to start the bike up and nothing, just a Clicking noise from the battery area. AHA i think, a problem i could fix. Got the bike home and took a look at the wiring, fixed a few bad connections, a number of lights appeared which i didnt know were there, but other than that, everything looks fine from the starter motor to the spark plugs, all good...except, I did notice a bit of dampness in the spark plug chamber bit..worried me a bit so I decided to get professional help.
2 days later..
Bugger me...blown head gasket, apparently its been like that for a while, quoted me £350 to fix it. They showed me the liquid in the spark plug chamber and said that was deffinate proof, which i though was a bit dodgy.
Argh why me, would the bike really have passed an MOT with all these problems? It seems to me I've been properly duped, which i'm not willing to let happen again. I'm worried the garage might try one on me as i'm fairly young (20) and have admited to them with having NO mechanical know how. I've talked to a few people and they think £350 is a bit steep.
Do you guys think £350 is ok, any tips??? Does this seem like a good diagnostic?? Any help at all would be appreciated guys
Thanks for reading