The mixtures screws where drilled out by a mechanic when the previous owner took it in for service. I'm not totally sure which one was at 2 turns.
I did get a chance to look at the carbs again last night. Nothing seemed wrong with the diaphragms, so I pulled the carbs, and opened them back up. There was some more crud floating around in there but not too much. I cleaned them out blew some cleaner through the passageways and blew them out with compressed air. Checked the float heights again, after reading the manual like 6 times, they were all way off. Reset them to the recommended settings, and while I was at it I shimmed the needles, replaced all the screws with allen head bolts.
There was one problem though when attempting to remove the pilot jets on a couple carbs I found that whomever was in there last really marred them up to the point where the screwdriver wouldn't grab. They are all flowing so its not that big of deal right now, its just when I go to rejet I think i'm in for a world of hurt.
Well put it all back together and fired her up, she coughed, spit and backfired for a few seconds then came to life. Here's the kicker #3 was firing just fine right in line with the other cylinders, but #2 was missing, I almost kicked the bike over. I left the garage with her idiling and went to smoke a cigarette, when I came back in there was #2 coming back up to temp slowly but surely. There still is a small hiccup at idle but nothing too major. The hesitation coming off of idle is almost non existent now. Haven't rode it yet ( rain for the next 2 days ) we'll see what happens when I do.