Author Topic: Sliders or Guard???/  (Read 3358 times)

Offline Earth Brown

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Sliders or Guard???/
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:10:21 AM »
I have seen a 4 slider setup, one on either side in ft of the motor.  and another pair under the motor....

Then there is the case guards that go from ft to under....

Which protects better??  Or both about equal just a preference on the looks?


Offline Desolation Angel

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Sliders or Guard???/
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 01:18:49 PM »
That's harder than Dino vs. synthetic, faired vs. unfaired, and chain vs. shaft!  :grin:

Maybe look at it like this...

Wanna look a little bit old school?  Go bars.  Wanna look more modern, more current/hip?  Go sliders.

I eventully went with sliders just because a nice set showed up on eBay for about half the price they should have been.

Either is likely as good as the other.  That's my guess.

Offline Earth Brown

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Sliders or Guard???/
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2007, 03:17:39 PM »
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
That's harder than Dino vs. synthetic,

Syn :)

Quote from: "Desolation Angel"
faired vs. unfaired,

My first bike with a faring, dont care either way...

Quote from: "Desolation Angel"

 and chain vs. shaft!  :grin:

Chain loses less power and Shaft is usually less maintnance
Quote from: "Desolation Angel"

Maybe look at it like this...

Wanna look a little bit old school?  Go bars.  Wanna look more modern, more current/hip?  Go sliders.

I eventully went with sliders just because a nice set showed up on eBay for about half the price they should have been.

Either is likely as good as the other.  That's my guess.

Probably the same here, we will see what I find.... seems like $150 for bars, and around $100 for 2 sets of sliders...


Offline Earth Brown

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Sliders or Guard???/
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2007, 09:47:27 PM »
one more question.....

Do the plastic sliders seem to hold up to the heat near the exhaust???


Offline smooth operator

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Sliders or Guard???/
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2007, 09:14:30 PM »
I just put on NRC case covers on,bar end sliders and a pair of pit stand bobbins on the swing arm.  It worked pretty good, I tested it out the summer befor last. I did about a 90mph low side in trn 4 @ Nelson Ledges.NRC cover did the job of not griding through. slid on the bar end,back bobbin,and have a couple of flat spots on the plastic front&side.
  All in the name of scince!  Dan

Offline Earth Brown

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Sliders or Guard???/
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2007, 07:44:35 PM »
Quote from: "smooth operator"
I just put on NRC case covers on,bar end sliders and a pair of pit stand bobbins on the swing arm.  It worked pretty good, I tested it out the summer befor last. I did about a 90mph low side in trn 4 @ Nelson Ledges.NRC cover did the job of not griding through. slid on the bar end,back bobbin,and have a couple of flat spots on the plastic front&side.
  All in the name of scince!  Dan

Nice a fellow tracker....

From Buffalo area, and we go to Shannonville Ont, and Cayuga Ont.....

Dont know If I will take the bandit there, I would be too heart broken if I crashed....have a F3 to use on the track, when I go.....


Offline smooth operator

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Sliders or Guard???/
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2007, 09:37:20 PM »
I'm always up for trying another track. Now I have a SV1000 to choose from too,theres a few SV1000 riders from the Toronto (and Ontario in general) that have track days somewhere. I don't remember , maybe its the same place.
  I used to race in Batavia every Fri. night. I used to flat track a Bultaco at the fairgrounds. (long time ago)I'm that way every now and then,we do (tile) work for Mulvey Const. out of Lockport.
 Also have a friend around Madina,not too far away.