Author Topic: Bandit 600 in a Box  (Read 20520 times)

Offline Big_Jim59

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Bandit 600 in a Box
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:47:05 PM »
I am new to Suzuki Bandits but not to bikes in boxes. I like puzzles and I love bikes and so combining the two is a kind of kinetic sculpture building exercise. My daughter found a 2001 Bandit 600 for cheap ($250) that had been wrecked and then dismantled. The previous owner had the idea of making a street fighter and used a rattle can to paint the frame, and everything else flat black. This covered up what was once a really lovely red frame. The front end plastics are all gone as the result of the wreck but the rear tail piece and tank have been treated to a lime green paint job that was applied with a brush. Pretty it aint.

When I bought the bike from my daughter it came in several pieces and multiple boxes. I have since managed to install the engine and get the wiring harness back in place and everything is back in, more or less, its original position. I have reworked the rearsets that came with the bike. They were in pieces and I didn't even know what they were for a while. They are not great but they will work for now. I drained the oil and found that the crankcase was full of a mixture of oil and gas. I have refilled the crankcase with fresh oil but will drain, refill and change the filter after the first start up. The right side engine cover was leaking. The previous owner had used something like Yamabond to try and seal it without a gasket. I removed the goop and fitted a fresh gasket. I have cleaned and installed the carbs along with installing the battery. I rolled the bike outside and tried the starter.

It works! The engine spins and I sprayed a bit of carb cleaner down each carb and the beast farted and popped meaning that I have my plug leads reversed. I switched them round but never got the bike to fire and thankfully so. The oil cooler was cracked and dribbling oil. If the bike had started, even briefly, it would have made an unbelievable mess. I am waiting on my ebay purchased oil cooler before further progress can be made.

This is how it looks now. The picture does not do it justice. You can't see the brush strokes in the paint nor can you see the huge blobs of un-smoothed body filler on the tank.

Somehow I am going to have to figure out how to fit some aftermarket lights and design some type of bracket to hold the original instruments. I will also need a muffler. I am not sure what is going on with that. The pipe that came with the bike takes a bolt on can but the OEM mufflers seem to take a slip on mount. It's just another mystery to be solved.

Offline sandy klock

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 11:05:34 PM »
Greetings Big JIM;  welcome to forum.  I like the color. looks like a pastel lime.   Get er going. its time to ride.   sandy
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Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2012, 10:47:41 AM »
Thanks Sandy. I have always liked the Bandit series from Suzuki. To me that are great bikes at a great value even though I have never actually ridden one. I'll fix that pretty soon. I like that fact that it is a sporting bike, in standard trim (handlebars) and you can commute to work or ride across country. You just can't beat a bike like that.

The color is not bad but the finish is horrible. Once I get it going I am going to tear it back down and make it pretty. I think I am going to revers the color scheme and do the frame and wheels in green and everything else in gloss black.

Offline sandy klock

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2012, 11:15:41 PM »
Big Jim;  that sounds like a plan.  I just love working on my b12. the simplicity of air/oil cooling is really sinking in. Thought I mite want a 1250.  not rite now,  Yours is a six speed, that is a plus.  If frame is ok for now. you could do bodywork to get you by till fall.   sandy
Fast? yes I'm fast, like a tortoise

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2012, 11:04:37 AM »
The frame is nasty but I will probably get it cobbled together and try riding it a bit this year. In the fall it all has to come apart. I got my oil cooler in from an ebay purchase and today is the day I see if it will run. I'll report back on how it goes.

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2012, 03:24:07 PM »
It runs! Not well but it runs and the engine sounds nice with no strange noises. I do not have fire on #4. I find this strange since #1 and #4 fire at the same time (wasted spark). I can only surmise that the plug is bad or the plug wire or plug cap are bad. I will have to explore further. I am just glad it runs.

Offline sandy klock

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2012, 12:20:54 AM »
Big Jim is on the loose :motorsmile:.  you really got a buy on the bandit  Just make sure brakes and tires before the ride.  sandy
Fast? yes I'm fast, like a tortoise

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2012, 01:31:16 AM »
I got plenty to do before I ride. The brakes are good. The tires are just OK with the center tread well worn. The chain has got to go. I am going to replace it with a cheap non-o-ring style chain because I am going to tear it down again for paint. I have to wire up a headlight, of some type, and I need a place to put the license plate. I also have to bolt the tank on. It is just sitting there at the moment.

I got her firing on all cylinders. I removed #4 plug cap to ohm it out and I reset it in its lead. It fires now just fine and the bike revs nicely. It is very quiet with it Bandit 1200 exhaust can. It runs a bit rich. I am going to have to compare the jetting to the stock specs.

It's nice to know that the engine is not trash and that I can proceed with the project knowing the the engine is in good form

Offline pmackie

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2012, 02:33:58 AM »
Well, good for you Big_Jim

It's always nice to know the engine runs OK.

I'm snooping at your picture, trying to figure out the dirt bike in the background. Despite the nice '74/75 Bultaco Blue colour, it is NOT a Bultaco. Looks like an early '70's vintage bike, but since the engine is covered with plastic, I can't quite make it out. What is it?

I also see some big ass Amp/Speaker cabinets, a high hat and guitar stand c/w guitar, so it looks like you share the workshop with your other hobby?
2002-GSF600S, Progressive Fork Springs, B12 Shock,
SS Brake lines, EBC HH pads, Leo Vince Ex & Kappa bags.
Ex Bike Mechanic (late 70's), somewhat rusty
32 years in the Fuel/lubes industry(Retired)

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2012, 12:05:10 PM »
The blue bike in the background is an on-going restoration project, a 1976 Honda XL250. It is dificult since Honda forgot they made such a bike and parts are dificult to come by. The bike in its current state has reworked rolling chassis including powder coated frame, rims, new OEM spokes (that began to rust the moment they were installed) and rebuilt motor. I have another 76 XL250 in the barn. It is a good runner but a farm bike. I also have several misfit dirt bikes, most of them run but look like hell.

The engine is wrapped in plastic because around these parts we have these flying wasps that we call Dirt Dobbers. They build mud nests in between fins, in intake tracks and in every hole than can find. They can make a mess of things in a hurry.

There is band stuff in the background. My workshop space doubles as a practice space. In fact about have of it is given over to band equipment and PA gear. The drum kit is just a junk Rogers set I picked up for $100. My son and I play in a classic rock band called Uphill Slide.

Check us out at:

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2012, 04:39:21 PM »
Well, I changed the oil and filter and ran it down the road. I have the good fortune to live on a mile and a half of rock and dirt road. I can ride a bike with no lights and no tag, at least up to around 30 miles per hour without official interference.

The engine sounds fine. It idles fine but has trouble taking gas. It pops back through #4 on heavy load. It bogs down and loses power as if it is running out of gas. I just have to go through it now and check everything. The good news is I have all the gears and the clutch works good, likewise the brakes. The clocks work but without the original faring and bracket I have no place to mount them. Currently they are zip tied to the handlebars. It looks really pretty that way!

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2012, 09:43:48 PM »
This weeks revelation reveals why, when, dealing with a bike that someone has obviously messed with, it is important to pay attention to detail. When last I posted the bike was running but was really rich and wouldn't pick up RPM past 5K. I pulled the carbs back off and began a careful examination. It seems the choke bar was installed incorrectly. On three of the enrichment plungers the choke bar was in the slot and was able to push and pull the plunger. On the fourth carb (#4) it was resting on top of the plunger. This had the effect of making one carb normal and other three carbs held open on a permanent choke setting.

I put it back together and it ran like garbage. I figured that running rich for so long might have effected the plugs so I buffed the old ones. This helped a lot but it is still not good. I ordered a set of CR9EK NGKs. They were $6 each at the little independent parts shop in my small town. The local Suzuki dealer was charging $12. I understand making a profit but is it necessary to rape your customers for normal wear parts like plugs and filters?

Offline sandy klock

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2012, 09:35:40 AM »
Good going Jim;  It takes attention to details to find stuff like that.  Its hard enough to keeping them running when everythings rite.   
Fast? yes I'm fast, like a tortoise

Offline Big_Jim59

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2012, 12:52:23 AM »
I have been trying to keep the project rolling in the face of limited funds. I ordered a stock air box from an ebay seller. I understand that the 600 can't really be run on pod filters. I had to bite the bullet and get a stock box so I can get it running right

Since the whole OEM faring is gone and even the frame mounts are destroyed, I have been working on a functional look for the front end. I received the headlight mounts I ordered and the light kit I got from China. It is actually a copy of the lights from a Honda Ruckus.  I like the Ruckus lights because they are big duel lights, have a brush guard and are an inexpensive alternative to other lighting kits I was looking at. It should look like a budget Speed Triple when I am done. I am sure no one will like it. I usually build things to my taste not someone else's.

I gotta pull the front end to install my headlight mounts and at the moment I am at a bit of a loss. I have no center stand and I am going to have to rig it to hang in the air while I pull the front wheel and forks.

Offline sandy klock

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Re: Bandit 600 in a Box
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2012, 09:51:04 AM »
Big Jim; who says 600s cant run pods?  I didnt know that, its just a air filter.   sandy
Fast? yes I'm fast, like a tortoise